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Rain was falling heavy and cold breeze could be felt. It would take at least few more hours for the night to come and for the darkness to swallow small city that was Civitas.

Meroxu was sitting in her chair, nervously trapping her foot. Her husband didn't get back home yet and he didn't return any of her calls. She even called his friends and they all said that no one has seen him whole day. She knew something was missing, the feeling that something got over her head without her noticing it, was getting stronger by the second.

Suddenly she got up, a little pump of adrenalin kicked in because Meroxu remembered that she didn't call Omen to check if he was there. She always thought Omen was weirdo and closed pearson, but maybe also sweet and lovely man. She considered that Amicum was close to Omen but that man didn't have any real friends, he lived in house alone and almost disconnected from world, he didn't even go out often. Omen seemed to enjoy loneliness above everything else.

She took her phone and tipped in numbers. All it could be herd was ringing. What followed after that, was horrifying...

She could here Omen's excited voice answering "Helo my dear! How nice of you to call me, how many people did you call before remembering that your handsome husband could be with me. Maybe playing a friendly game?"
She was completely shocked, Omen was acting as if he isn't himself and in back she could here one other voice screaming and crying in pain.

"Aren't you going to say something? By now you probably heard sounds of a really nice dinner I'm preparing. Of course you are welcome to come and try it." Said Omen. Meroxu thought it was a bad joke but the she realised, that is what she wants it to be. Reality was different and she didn't want to believe in it.

"Omen, what is happening, what ar?!" And before she could finish, line was cut and only noise of the phone was buzzing, slowly fading...

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