Chapter 4

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Marinette had just jumped on to her balcony. Exhausted. She stepped through the little trap door the led to her room. She glanced at her clock. 12:01. Patrol had dragged on forever.

Wanting to sleep right away she went to her vanity and started to pull down the elástica holding her hair in pigtails.

"Hey marinette, do remember having this pen?" Asked Tikki.

"No. I don't." The kwami was holding a pink pen. Marinette never used any other color besides black and blue. (It was unprofessional.) Tikki handed her the pen.

"It's pretty. You should keep it."

"Maybe I will." She was gonna write herself a note but she noticed something else. Smiling cats. All over her arm. Weird. They kept drawing themselves on.

So she started writing


Um hi

She wasn't expecting that

Who is this

It's _______.



Umm I'm __________.

It seems we can't write our names. Odd

How did this happen? What is even happening?

I don't know. But since I don't know your name I'm gonna call you princess.

Then I'll call you kitty. Since you were making kitty faces.

All right then. I must say good night princess. For your knight has had a rough night.

Good night then my kitty.


...kitty...just kitty

Good night.

Why did she write my kitty? Marinette was embarrassed. She felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach. Almost like how Adrien made her feel. No. You love Adrien. She thought. No! Nathaniel! But if she loved Nathaniel, then why did she feel like this?

She looked down wiping off the ink. It held no resistance. Almost like it was programmed to wipe off so easily. Like, magic.

She tried wiping off a small green blob that had appeared. It wouldn't budge.

She looked closer. Inspecting the blob. The more she looked at it, the more it looked like a paw print. A green paw print. The emblem on Chat Noir's ring, green paw print.

"Happy birthday Marinette."

"Oh Tikki. Oh no."

Marked a marichat love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon