Chapter Eight

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*Cassandra's Point of View*

Steve and I walked around until I saw a mysterious door. We shared a curious look and wandered over to it. He pulled the door open as if it was nothing. I raised an eyebrow in suprise.

"Remind me to take you with me when I know I'm going to need something opened," I smiled. He chuckled in return, but both faded away as we looked in. It was like some kind of storage room. A place someone didnt want the entire hellicarrier to know about. I saw another level. I looked over at Steve and pointed up. He understood and gracefully grabbed a bar and swung himself up. I followed in suit doing the same.

"You know I would have helped you up," he said looking at me. I just smiled.

"There is no doubt of it, but I'm a fast learner," I answered smartly and began looking around. Soon Steve lifted up a giant gun.

"What the hell," I asked out loud. Steve looked just as confused as I did. His face then contorted into one of anger and hatred. He stormed out of the room brushing past me. I hurried out of the room following in suit. We were about to pass the detention level. Steve looked like he could rip someone's head off so I headed to see my brother.

"Well this is an unexpected suprise," he said maliciously.

I pulled the orange out of my dress pocket and put it through a slot on his glass cage. "Eat up," I replied emotionlessly.

He peeled part of the orange and ate. "You know I'm not entirely sure the Captain would be so fond of you if he knew what happened to you in Asguard. How you may act innocent but you really aren't."

"What do you mean," I asked stealing a glance at him.

"Oh don't act like I don't know what Fandral did to you," he snarled. I felt my eyes begin to water. This isn't him Cassy, I mentally reminded myself. "How he tore at your dress. How you begged him to stop but he didn't. How he stole your innocence and left you bruised battered and broken. In fact I am suprised you have taken a liking to him, the Captain I mean. How you don't hate all men. I mean what did father do for you? Nothing. Thor still allows him around you. I was there for you and you let them lock me up in this godforsaken cell," he banged his hand against the glass, "now think how many of those mortals will be there for you when they find out. They will look at you two ways with pity or disgust and both are patronizing aren't they. Mr. Rogers will leave and forget about you. Banner will be disgusted. As will Stark. Who knows what the assassin will think. You will disgust them Cassandra. So why not join me. The one who has always been there for you. Come with me," he urged. I felt tear after tear go down my face. Maybe this is him now, one side of my mind exclaimed. While the other was fighting with: think about what he said on the mountain! He's being forced. There was a battle going on in my head. But, I had to do what was right.

"I will not," I seethed and turned and walked away.

"So be it my beautiful Cassandra. But I will have you, " he sang as I walked out the door. I was crying in the hallway and I was confused. I will be his? Soon flashes of the night Fandral did what he did to me going through my mind instead of what Loki said before I left. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop crying. I saw everyone in the lab. I quietly snuck in and stood quietly beside the counter.

"Always a way out," Steven snarled at Tony, "you're nothing special. I've seen the footage you only fight for yourself. "

"Oh and you are. Everything special about you Rogers comes from a bottle," Tony said as if he was about to hit Steve.

"Guys," I said quietly still trying to calm myself down. Soon everyone started arguing.

"Some team we are," Bruce said, "no we're not a team. We're a chemical mixture. We're...we're a time bomb," he snarled using the words I had said to him before.

"You need to step away," Fury said menacingly.

"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam," Tony said nonchalantly putting a hand on Steve's shoulder.

"You damn well why," Steve said slapping it off.

"Agent Romanoff would you please remove Dr. Banner," Fury sighed.

"To where you rented my room," Bruce asked.

"That was just in case-"

"Just in case you needed to kill me but you can't I know I've tried," Bruce argued.

"Bruce," I said feebly but it echoed throughout the now quiet room. Steve looked back at me with a questioning look. I ignored it at kept my teary gaze on Bruce.

"I got low. I didn't see a way out so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. You wanna know my secret Miss Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"

"Bruce put the scepter down," I cautiously said. Suddenly a computer started beeping. He turned and looked at the septor in his hand then put it down and ran to the computer.

"I guess you guys won't get to see my party trick after all," he said sarcastically.

"You located the cube," Fury asked as went to look over Bruce's shoulder. Tony said something awful and Steve and him started arguing. Just then an explosion made me fall through the floor with Bruce. I felt something fall on my leg. I was trapped.

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