The Asgaurdian Princess & The Soldier (Captain America love story written by A)

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This is the story of Cassandra Erica Odinson goddess of music, beauty, intelligence, kindness and of the outcasts, she has become known of the goddess of perfection. She was also known as the dove, which was her symbol. Which is also why her and her adoptive brother Loki got along so well. She understood him. She was always there for him and was a shoulder he could cry on. She and her other brother Thor wept for days when they watched Loki fall from the rainbow bridge. She refused to go into the library for if she did she could sense Loki and would break down and she was never one to show weakness. She hardly sang or smiled and only left her room for food and required events. Her beautiful auburn hair which normally flowed down her back in ringlets was now always up in some form. She didn't know if it was that she missed Loki or because she learned of the awful things he did before his untimely death. Thor on the other hand carried on as if nothing had ever happened. He decided to mask his pain behind a smile but Cassandra knew better.

OKAY SO THIS IS RIGHT BEFORE THOR SHOWS UP IN THE AVENGERS. NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED!!!! Feedback would be swell. This is a Captain America love story! Just let me get the exposition out of the way! :)

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