Chapter One

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(Cassandra' s Point of View)

I tossed and turned in my bed as I watched him fall off the damned bridge over and over again. I hurled myself up, while screaming and wrenching my eyes open. Thor ran in looking alarmed.

"Cassy are you alright!? What happened," he asked frantically.

I leaned into his comforting arms and sobbed into his chest, "I saw it. I saw it so many times Thor! I just want to stop seeing him die. I want some closer for him," I cried as sobs racked my body. He gently rubbed my back as I continued. I heard a knock at my door. I sat up wiping my face clean of any trace of tears. A servant by the name of Leisl entered.

"Sorry to disturb you your highnesses, but the All Father requests your presences," she said feebly. I nodded getting up, trying to push aside the fact that I had just seen Loki die yet again. Thor walked up behind me and placed a giant hand on my small shoulder. I looked up at him my eyes still filled with tears.

"I know. I miss him too, dearest sister but we must go on with our lives. We can't bury ourselves with sorrow," He said calmly. He had become wise and had matured this past year. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded and hugged him tight. He hugged back and I felt a chuckle rumble in his chest. I stepped back and smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Ah there's that beautiful smile of yours! Now I will leave you to prepare yourself," he kissed me on the forehead and left the room. I slipped out of my sleep wear and and slipped on a pale blue dress. It was my favorite. I slipped my dove necklace around my neck and met Thor outside of my door and went to go see my father.

We walked into the golden throne room. We bowed for our father.

"Rise my children. I have some news but I will let you decide if its good or bad," he spoke. We rose and gave each other a confused look then looked back at our noble father.

"We have found Loki, and not just his lifeless body he is, as a matter of fact, alive. In fact, he is causing trouble on Earth. I have to send you both for Midgard is in desperate need of your help," he finished. A million thoughts raced through my mind. How could he be alive, I saw him fall. Loki was alive, it could not be. I watched him fall from the Rainbow Bridge. It was like the thought process was put on a loop in my head.

As if he read my mind Thor asked the question both of us were wondering: "But how? We thought him dead," his voice breaking at the end. I placed a comforting hand on his giant shoulder. He looked down at me his blue eyes filled with tears.

"All of Asgard thought the same dear son. But evidently not. Now Cassandra you must change into one of Lady Sif's outfits. It be more comfortable for travel I'm sure," he smiled down at me. I smiled weakly and walked to Sif's room. I knocked twice and she answered the door. I walked in and sat on her bed.

"Cassandra I have some Midgardian clothing that you might want to bring with you," she suggested. I nodded and she packed several Misgardian outfits for me, as well as Thor in a pack. I shrunk the pack down and made it look like a necklace charm and placed it around the silver chain next to the silver dove.

I wore a black tunic with a black leather skirt, black leggings, and black combat boots. I always liked wearing Sif's clothing it made me feel as if I didn't have to be a perfect lady. I returned to the throne room where my brother and father stood. They smiled as I entered.

"Bring him back," father said, "he will face Asgardian justice." Thor and I watched as Odin conjured a portal using magic either of us had seen. We landed on a moutain, as lightning filled the sky. I sighed that was my brother, always has to arrive in style. A ginormas metal thing flew over our heads. Somehow, Thor and I knew Loki was on that ship, whether it was sure coincidence or not. We had to get him off of there.

"Wait here, I shall go get him," Thor ordered. He flew away causing more lightning to fill the sky. I must admit I was scared to see what had become of my lanky, raven haired brother.

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