Chapter 17

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Dembe's pov

I knew that the night of the dance would be a good night, but not as perfect as it had turned out to be.
It was more than what I could have possibly imagined.  I would never want it any other way.

Although I was initially angry with Kojo,  I could not help but forgive him as soon as I felt his presence around me. Can you blame me?  It is so hard to stay angry at that boy.

When it was time for me to go back home, I wished I could freeze that moment so that we would live in it forever.

Forever. I had never thought of that until Kojo came along. The effect he was having on my life was now very clear to me.  He had become a part of me.

" Can you please try to hide the fact that you're smitten by me. "

Kojo suddenly blurted out and that's when I realized I was smiling sheepishly, but I was not going to accept.

"Please, do not think so highly of yourself. I'm thinking about those mangoes at your homestead. "

" Can you not see that it is still about me?  My homestead. "
He said laughing and having nothing else to say I accepted the defeat.

"Okay, I think I have had enough of your ' modest'  gestures  and I need to go home now. "

" Just let it out D, you really do not want to go. "

"  I leaving, Kojo. "

" Please, stay, beautiful one. "

The look on his face was hilarious and the ring in his voice when he said, 'Beautiful One'  almost made me change my mind about going home, but I had to. 

" I have to go. I will just see you tomorrow. "

His expression suddenly changed to a solemn one when I made as if to leave and for a moment I felt guilty, until he suddenly became happy, took my hand and started walking towards my homestead.

"Did you think I was going to let you go alone?  My forefathers would be very disappointed. "

What more could I ask for?
I  just smiled and walked on, not uttering a word, in case I ruined everything.

When we got near our homestead , he took me in his arms and said,

"See you tomorrow, D. "

"See you tomorrow, annoying one. "

I did not miss the sly smile on his face as I walked away.

As I got into the house,  I found Mama still awake. Not a surprise.

'How can a mother sleep soundly when their child is no at home? ' she used to say.

"Mama, why are you still awake? "

" If I was childless I would be on my seventh dream right now. "

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