Chapter 14

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Just as I had thought, we got to the arena late. But not too late to be greeted with the sound of loud drum beats. The connection of people's bare feet and the red earth was so vivid, could almost be felt. The movements of the dancers was synchronized with the drum beats such that the dancers inspired the drummers and the drummers inspired the dancers. It seemed that the dance was more of a spiritual thing.

There was a huge fire lit at the center of the arena and people were dancing around it. The moon was out and the night was extremely beautiful.

As Kia and I walked towards the other dancers, we could not help but overhear the whispers among the other girls.

"Where could she have gotten such a nice dress? "

"Just look at their hairstyles. I wish I had also made my hair like that. "

"It's not like they are the most beautiful girls around here. After all, they came alone. "

I turned to Kia and gave her a knowing look after that comment was made and we held our heads even higher. Not all of us could be queens, someone had to clap as Kia and I walked by, and those girls had to understand that.

We went and chose a place that was not so crowded and started dancing. The music was so captivating that I was lost for in it, but strangely enough, I felt like someone was watching me. Just me. I pushed that thought aside because it was a dance and people were bound to watch a dancing girl.

I looked around hoping to see Kojo but he was no where. I wanted to see him,  badly, forgetting that I was the one who had locked him out the whole time he tried to reach out to me. I hoped that he was there to watch me dance or that the strange feeling I had was because he was somewhere watching me.

I was lost in my Kojo world when Kia suddenly nudged me and pointed towards the other side of the fire. Right there before us was Angry eyes, Namuli herself. She was dancing next to a tall boy who did not seem like he wanted to be there in the first place. When she realized that we had seen her, she started moving her hips with more vigour and threw her arms around the boy. Such a desperate act.

"Whatever happened to Mrs. First and Only Love. "
Kia said with a lot of disgust in her voice.

"She is crazy. Just forget about her. "

"She better be crazy, because if I see her even smiling at my... "

Kia suddenly went quiet and started straightening out her dress which clearly needed no straightening.

"What is wrong with you? "
She was getting me scared

"Look who just got here. "
She said in a strange, shaky voice.

I followed her gaze and everything became clear to me.

Amare!  Amare had finally arrived with that Zazi girl in tow. He looked so far away while Zazi looked like her whole world revolved around him. I knew that she would get hurt.

"He... He... Is... Looking... This... Way! What should... I do? "
Kia asked in what was meant to be a whisper but clearly was not successful.

"You are hurting me, you know. "
I said, amused. She was continuously hitting my arm without even knowing it.

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