Chapter 15

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Kojo's pov

Sometimes I really question my ability to make sound decisions, but not on that night of the dance. I have made rash decisions before and I later on regretted and still regret, but I am sure this night will never be among those decisions.

Dembe. Dembe.
My girl was beautiful, brilliant and even feisty, when she wanted to. All that really looked perfect on her.

When I took her into my arms and kissed her, I noticed that she was not expecting it. Exactly how I wanted.  I loved how her eyes always bulged whenever she was surprised and right now,  I had the chance of experiencing that beautiful view. Her body went rigid at first, but after a short while,  she relaxed into my arms and closed her eyes and put her arms around my neck. I could tell she was feeling the moment, and so was I.
We spoke a common language, even without using our mouths. Well, to be fair, we were putting our mouths into really good use.  I could never complain. We wanted to stay like that forever, at least that is what our bodies seemed to communicate. But even at that,  we needed air in order to stay alive. Appearing like she just read my mind, Dembe broke off the kiss by softly pushing me away .

"We need to breathe, you know. "

For the first time, she could not look me in the eye.  My girl was shy. I wondered what she would do if I put into action all the things that had been running through my mind the whole night as I watched her dance in that dress.
That dress! My God! It was definitely going to be my undoing, but I had to get a hold on myself.

"That kept you quiet, did it not? "

"Do not be so sure about that. "

Trust her to start an argument, even when it was crystal clear that the kiss had done more than just keeping her quiet.

"Come on, D, admit it. Admit that you saw the stars in my eyes, the moon smiling down on us and maybe even heard songs in the wind."

I know that I  always sound stupid most of the time, but the look she gave me made me feel even more stupid.
And then she suddenly, burst out laughing, still avoiding my gaze. I did not care whether she was shying off or not. Her laughter was enough to make me forget my way home.

"D, are you going to say anything or are you just going to laugh at the honest  fantasies of a teenage boy in love? "

More laughter from her and then she says,

"Okay, I will admit that I saw stars and the moon, but only because, we are out in the open, Kojo. And I might have heard my grandmother singing me a song to hurry back home before the ogre gets me. "

After mercilessly bursting my bubble, she shot me one of those smiles that melted my insides. How I loved it when she was being sarcastic. Two could play this game.

"Oh!  I bet you told your grandmother that the ogre had already gotten you and that it was so good looking that you could not get your eyes off it?  "

At the thought of that we both broke into fits of laughter.  It felt so good to be laughing together again, after all the problems we had had before.
I had really been broken, during the time that Dembe was avoiding me, and I could never think of letting her go away from me,  again. She jerked me from my thoughts when, out of nowhere, she said,

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