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称心 命好

a few smoldering hot days, which signified the final days of the summer, came to chenhsin fei fan and xu minghao. his friends awaited him back in south korea, for at least a few weeks, but because they missed him too much, they soon arrived, too. that fateful week brought them the most happiness in era's.

the impossible school that chenhsin had applied for, merely out of impulse and because the colors, along with the majors they offered, matched her aesthetic, had accepted her with an ample scholarship. of course, it was in taiwan. she didn't think that anyone would want her.

as for minghao, an performing arts university accepted him, not to mention the deal from an entertainment company wanted him and his group to be a part of their's, to make a name for them, or something. he did more than just win that competition. (not to mention that as soon as he won, minghao ran all the way to the airport to go back to china.)

soonyoung upstarted his dream of opening a successful dance studio, whilst graduating alongside his two best friends. hansol eventually took a month to go back home with his family, while still studying hard, with his performance with the group.

leaving home was rough, for minghao, his parents, for chenhsin, and her family likewise. partly because they had accidentally signed themselves up for volunteering at the clinic, which took lots of paperwork.

minghao eventually left to south korea again, which fateful day felt like millennia to both him and her. they both were aware of the things that they'd encounter away from each other, even when they were close by.

we can talk about the little details about how minghao cried, on his knees, telling chenhsin about the eating disorder and smoking addiction he was fighting all at once, or how he, the long, thin thing he is, had to protect her from the leftover affair from wen junhui's affiliations with bad people. (there was still an aftermath of a wounded heart, dispersed across the eastern half of china because of him.)

we can also go into detail about soonyoung and chenhsin played a long, harrowing 3 day basketball tournament, with only chan to come out as the winner, since the two were too tired to keep going, or how chenhsin beat the living hell out of a guy, which was awesome.

even, about how minghao left and chenhsin finally cried, unlike the somewhat stone cold, suffer-in-silence type of person she was, but that's not the point.

they made promises to meet again, even if took a hundred years.

a year and a half after they both left home, chenhsin met again with junhui, as he was apparently visiting a cousin in taiwan. he was better; taller, in some aspect, lacked those dimples of eyebags, leaner with more muscles, appeared happier, and seemed healthier. his grandmother had passed away but he was still taking care of his grandfather. wen junhui still knew chenhsin deep in his heart, but still, she wasn't aware if he loved her, and she wouldn't know until five years later, at his wedding.

chenhsin acquired about three jobs while in school, minghao two, and yet they still worked hard, for each other.

the boy from dalian debuted in an immediately successful group in south korea and the taiwanese girl, amidst her reluctance of everything, started majoring in agriculture and cuisine, which sounded boring, but she loved it. incoherent phone calls were what kept them together.

they met again, eventually, two years and eleven months after leaving their home, and the first thing minghao said to chenhsin was a proposal, which stunned her so much that she slapped his face (not too hard). she said yes, to be his wife because she would always be his best friend until the end.

another year went by, after that rendezvous, and they had their wedding together, with junhui as a flower girl, or boy. his wife and two kids were embarrassed but chenhsin cried when they came.

they had to leave each other after that, which wasn't fun, but chenhsin and minghao has decided to save their honeymoon night for a day that didn't include them still trying to have their second kiss and them both being sorta broke.

a few months after that, they met again, at one of his concerts in taiwan. chenhsin, still bold and loyal, promised to wait for him, with the free month they were able to have with each other.

two years preceded, chenhsin's pregnancy halting her career as a chef of her own noodle shop, and though the first four months without minghao weren't that fun, he eventually came home to her.

and we can still describe every bit of their lives, to the very end, and the lives from the continuation of their eventual three kids; jenai, xinyi, and qingren.

however, the thing was that chenhsin and minghao just managed to stay together, even though they were always miles and years apart, but if someone loves you that much, to fill that gap, to transcend any medium of tribulations, then you can wait for a century, even.

after qingren, no more years came between them.

and it was strange thinking that at one point you had thought to yourself that you couldn't get through something and then, another, you've already accomplished and preceded beyond your comprehension. to think that, time and all the tiring, little planets, that only have intentions to hold you back, do not affect your orbit. a year is nothing in outer space.

but chenhsin and minghao made it.

love can wait a year, a hundred, a thousand, or even a few days, too. finding a best friend, and keeping them, is hard as surviving a single one.

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