Our date

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Sorry for not updating sooner, there is a lot of drama going on in my school right now. Freshman now these days are just.....eh...oh this is the last chapter!

(Y/n) p.o.v
  I was already ready, all beautiful for Sollux. Even though Sollux says I'm always beautiful.

"(Y/n), Sollux is here! In a fancy suit and looking all fancy." Jake yelled.

"Tell him to wait!" I yell.

How could I forget my hair?! I quickly do my hair and look in the mirror. "Yep looks so good (y/n)." I said fixing it a little bit.

Then I rushed out with my phone and my purse. Yeah, I have pretty (f/c) purse.

I throw my phone in there and fix my dress. "Okay I'm ready!" I look up at everyone with a smile.

Everyone just looked at me and their mouths where hanging open. "What? Is there something wrong?" I ask as I turn around to see no one behind me and nothing wrong with my dress.

"Say something people! I hate silence." I said.

Then Jake walked in front of me. "You look so beautiful." He hugged me.


"Oh let me take a picture of you both!" Jade jumped from her spot on the couch and took her phone out.

"I don't think pictures are necessary." I laugh nervously.

"Nonsense!" Jake said and took his phone out.

"Guys I really don't want to take-"  Sollux cuts me off and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Let them take a picture." He whispered in my ear.

"Are you seriously fine with that?!" I asked surprised.

"Let's take pictures!" Sollux chuckles and did some pose.

I joined him and did a silly pose. After the pictures we left. We sat in the back of the car. Sollux dad was driving and we were in the back discussing some new iPhone that came out.

"I actually got the iPhone X." Sollux chuckled nervously.

"What?! That cost like some shitty thousand!" I exclaimed.

"I know but I did improvement on the phone." He said.

"Oh! Improvements! What kinds?" I ask.

"We are hear son." Sollux father said.

"Dad! I told you to call me Mr. Captor." Sollux said.

Sollux father chuckles. "All right Mr. Captor, we have arrived at your destination."

"Thanks you butler." Sollux got up with his head held up.

"Good bye sir." I said.

"Back to you." He winked at us.

Sollux blushed and I stood there waiting for my food.

"So your butler is your own dad?" I nudge his arm.

"Yes." He answered.

We went in a expansive restaurant. Sollux ordered a table for us and we sat in a private section. Once we took our order and the waiter left. I got Sollux arm.

"Ow, why did you do that?" He rubbed his arm.

"Why did you get us reservation at a damn expansive restaurant? Couldn't we go to a normal one or at least a picnic?" I ask.

"Sorry but I wanted to really impress you since this is technically our first date."

"Aw! You are so sweet and thoughtful. Next time I expect something less fancy and more fun." I kissed his cheeks.

"Will do."

"Good. "

We got our food and started to talk about random shit that came into our minds.

Sollux p.o.v
  I was clearly nervous about this date but now I'm not. It was going pretty well so far.

Who is the best boyfriend? Sollux Fucking Captor is!

Once we finished our food we paid and went out. "So where are we going next?" (Y/n) held my hand.

I look at the sky and then at her. "For a walk." I smile at her.

"Fine with me." She smiled back.

Gosh why is so damn cute?!

We walked to a park. I sat on a bench and (y/n) sat next to me. She leaned on me and looked at the stars. "The stars are pretty." She said.

I hum in agreement.

"You know who else is pretty?" (Y/n) looks at me.

Is she saying that I look pretty?

"Who?" I ask.

"Me, of course." (Y/n) giggled.

I chuckle and hug (y/n) tight. "You are so pretty in that dress too you know."

"Duh, if I wasn't pretty than I wouldn't wear this dress."

"It's my favorite color too. My favorite girl and my favorite color combined is amazing!"

"Sollux do you really love me?" (Y/n) suddenly asked.

"What?! Why would you ask that? You know I do love you."

"I know do, but I really don't want to be hurt again." She looks down and a tear rolled down her cheeks.

I wipe her tear away and make her look in my eyes. "I love you (y/n) (l/n) and I will never stop loving you."

(Y/n) smiles and blushes. "And you look so damn cute right now." I said.

Her blush turned darker. "My love, I love you." I smirk.

"Sollux please stop my face is burning from your love." She pushed my face away with one hand and covered her face with the other.

I laughed and then when (y/n) look at me. I kiss her. She kissed me back and we just sat there having a moment.

We pull apart and stare at each other. This was literally my favorite moment. I fucking love (y/n) so much that I don't plan on leaving her alone, ever.

The Fucking End.

Thank you readers.

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