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(Y/n) p.o.v
I ran to my home and rushed in the house. I saw Dirk and Jake in the couch making out.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell and cover my eyes. I rushed in my room and started to calm down. Why did I run home? Why did I leave? Well because I couldn't stay at Sollux house anymore. I wanted to come home cry. I got Fucking drunk and who knows if I'm pregnant! I hope not. I have to wait for Monday to talk to Jack. I texted Jade to bring my stuff back with her. Then I started to feel sick and then I ran to my bathroom and started to throw up in the toilet.

"(Y/N) are you okay?!" Jake asks and rushes to me.

"NO. I'M FUCKING THROWING UP!" I say and throw up more.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I ate something nasty and-"

"Wait why does it smell like alcohol?" He asks.

"I drank some by accident." I say and he looked at me madly. Then Dirk came along and without his glasses.

"Oh. Someone is in trouble." He says and just stare at me.

"What?" He ask.

"Your eyes......they are so Jake you found one hell of a guy." I say and Dirk covers them. "Hey did you misheard me?! They are beautiful!" I sat out loud and Dirk looks at me.

"You think so?" He ask.

"Why the fuck did you think I said it for?" I say and flush the toilet.

"They are really beautiful." Jake adds and link hands with him.

Dirk smiles.

"Can I take a shower now? I need one." I push them out my room and go in the shower.

After a shower I get dressed in a lose dress. I know I said that I won't wear a dress but the dress that my friends made me wear was like super tight! I like lose dress that just flow. I only wear them in my house and when I'm with my family. Well when I was my dad I did wear dresses but I stopped. Now I am wearing a dress! I walk out to the living room and sit on the couch. I flip through channels.

"Wow, why are you wearing a dress? Is there something special going on?" Jake asks.

"No I wear lose dresses at house only and it is so Fucking hot outside too." I replied.

"Then why didn't you wear a dress on other hot days?" He ask.

"I used to wear dress mostly but then I stopped after my dad died. And came here and well I didn't feel comfortable around you and know I do so deal with it." I say and watch a movie.

"Okay but I'll pick up Jade now so don't make any mess." Jake warned me.

"Bye." I said and then Dirk came behind me and scared me.

"What the FUCK!" I screamed .

"Sorry I wanted to scare you." He apologized and sat next to me.

"Well you did a great job." I sit on couch.  "Dirk how does it feel to be gay?" I ask.

"I dunno. Why do you ask?" He looks at me.

"Just curious." I say and pay attention to the TV.

"Do you like Sollux?" He asked.

"What no! He is just a friend. I like someone else." I think. "Why is everyone thinking that Sollux and I are dating or have a crush on each other?! I mean he doesn't like me and I obviously don't have a crush on him. I like him but nothing more than a best friend." I say.

"Sure." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and then Jade came in and fell on the floor. "(Y/n) you have to carry your own stuff from now on!"

I didn't care but I rushed over to my bag and found my junk food. "Why are you wearing a dress?" Jade asked.

I explained everything to her and she sighed. I ate my junk food. Dirk gave me a sad look and I knew he was starting at my junk food. I sigh and give him some he happily takes some and Jake takes some too.

Jade and I then share our junk food and then I remembered my phone. "Hey has anyone seen my damn phone?" I ask.

"No." They say in unison.

I look all over and didn't find it. 4 hours pass and I still didn't find it.

Then we hear a knock on the door and I opened it. As I did I see Sollux at the door and with Karkat. Sollux just stares and Karkat pushes him in. He falls on me and then gets off blushing. "Sorry." He apologizes.

"I texted you and you wouldn't text back." Sollux says.

"Oh. I lost my phone and know I can't find it." I answer.


"I thought you didn't like them." Sollux says.

"Oh I don't like tight dress only lose ones and I did say I was never gonna wear a tight one Sollux." I said. "Now help me look for my phone." Sollux and Karkat helps me.

After 4 hours of looking we had no luck. It was already night.
"CALL AGAIN." Karkat tells Sollux and Sollux calls again.


"I dunno. I have short term memory." I respond.

"Well I found it." Sollux says and shows me my phone. "It was behind the TV."

I rush over to him and give him a hug. Then I hug my phone and kiss it. "Thank God! I love you so much I won't ever lose you again." I say.

"SURE YOU WON'T" Karkat rolls his eyes and sit on the couch and turns on some romantic comedy movies on my Netflix. I sit on one end and Sollux sits on the other end. Karkat sits in the middle.

I turn my phone on and see a bunch of text from Sollux and some from Jade.
S=Sollux Y=(y/n)

1hr ago
S: Hey r u Okay?
S:y did u leave?

Are the first two I see and text him back even if he is here.

Y: sorry Sollux I misplaced my phone and my best friend just found it.

I send and smile and then Sollux phone buzzes and he looks at it and smiles.

S: good thing he found it.
S:so wyd

I smile and text him back.

Y:watching some shitty movie with 2 of my bestie
S:want to prank kitty?
Y: yes! But what should we do?
S: you hand him a shaken soda and give it to him.

I get up and grab a soda and hand one to Sollux and hand a shaken one to Karkat. He gives me a thanks and opens it. He gets up and yells. "WTF!" He yells and Jade come out.

"What happened?" She asks.

"A DAMN SODA PRANK HAPPENED!" Karkat shouts and Sollux and I laugh. Then he gets cleaned up. Jake hands him some of his clothes to change in and we just watch some movies. I eventually fell asleep on Karkat.

Jake p.o.v
I check on my lil sis and see her sleeping on Karkat and see Sollux sleeping on Karkat too. Even Karkat is sleeping. They all look so cute so I took a picture and smiled. I put a cover on then and turn off the TV.

(A/n: sorry for this chapter!)

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