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(Y/n) p.o.v
"Come on Sollux!" I yell. He groans as he walks towards me. I was in line for the ferris wheel 🎡(sorry I think I spell that word 'ferries' wrong.) I wanted to go on the top and see the view of the whole carnival. But Sollux is taking his precious time. I think he is scared of it. Then he finally is standing in front of me.

"Ready to go?" I smile at him.

"Yea sure lets go." He says lazily.

We were almost close to the wheel. "Um......hate to disappoint you but I need to go to the bathroom." He said.

"Why? You just used the damm bathroom!" I exclaim.


"Fine I'll just go by myself. I feel so scared to go on it." I smirk.

"If your scared then why do you want to go?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Because I want to get over my fear and I'll do it with...." I just grab a random boy. "Alex." I made the name up and see Sollux glare at him. "He is always there for me. Heck I think I should of da-"

"Okay I will go with you." He says and pushes the guy out. "Alex this is my girlfriend." He puts his arms around my waist and glares at him.

I giggle. "What's so funny?" He kisses my cheeks.

"Nothing." I say and we were next. We get on the seats and he moves closer to me. "What's wrong? Scared?" I nudge him.

"W-what? N-no." He starts to sweat and wraps his arm around me. "I'm pretty sure that your scared." He smirks.

"Ha! Right." We start to go up.

"What? Your not scared?" He was confused.

"Heck no!" I look down. "Hey Sollux look at the view! It's so beautiful."

"Y-yeah is so be-beautiful." He agrees with me. Looking down on the other side. "So Fucking great." He mumbles.

I heard him clearly and giggle. "What was that ?"

"Nothing." He smiles at me.

Once it was full with people. The wheel starts to spin and I smile. You know when the wheel starts and your high at the point? Then you go down and close your eyes then you feel like someone just grabbed your whole body and shakes the fear out or whatever you feel. Well I felt that but besides me Sollux was screaming like a maniac.

He held on to me tightly and I was taking a video of his face. I laugh and he just looks at me and screams. "Hey calm down. We're not on a roller coaster." I say.

"What?! No not the roller coaster!" He yells.

"Ugh." I took my eyes and just enjoy the moment.

After the ride Sollux ran to find a trash can. He held his stomach and covered his mouth too. I just stare off at him and then go after him. But since there was a lot of people I was far behind him. People pushed me back while they were trying to get wherever they want. I bumped into a rock, i think it was.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." The rock said. My eyes widen as I heard his voice. That voice I know and it was a bad sign.

Jack p.o.v
  I waited as (y/n) and Sollux got off the ride. He ran off and left her behind. I started to walk towards her in the crowd. I had a black hat on with everything else in black. She fell as she bumped into me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." I smirk.

She looks up at me. "Jack?"

"Yes sweetie?" I picked her up.

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