Chapter 23: Happily Ever After?

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Ahiru pulled Fakir into the water with her suddenly taking him by surprise.

"What was that for?" He reemerged above the water and saw a small duck pass him in front of his nose.

"Payback for calling me a boy." She said. "Plus, now you know how much it sucks to swim in this water all day." She stuck her her nose up in the air.

He looked to her. Her stubborn streak was definitely still there. He pulled himself out onto the grass and she followed and laid down beside him, to dry in the warm sun.

"You know for a moment I actually thought you'd turned back into a duck."

"Really?! I didn't mean to worry you Fakir." Ahiru said guiltily.

"It's okay. Just no swans, ducks or anything like that for a while okay?" He turned to her and smiled.

"I agree! Just plain old me!" Ahiru nodded, and Fakir kissed her again on the forehead and she blushed.

From that day on the two spent their time on land, not swimming in the water. Fakir finally could admit of his long-forgotten love of Princess Tutu, and she too found love in the Knight rather than the Prince. They stayed at the Academy and became an inseparable pair. They practiced dance together. Ahiru made friends again with Pike and Lilie and-


"Zura, Zura, but this is the happy ending! Fakir and Ahiru are lovey dovey!" Uzura said, who had been cheering on the happy turn of events.

"No. I wanted tragedy, but my Fakir guesses too well! I made Princess Tutu too caring! Soon they will destroy my second little clock-work device you so kindly made for me my doll, Uzura!"

"But they are lovey dovey like you promised!"

"And so I should leave like I almost did before shouldn't I?"

"But I want to see more of what happens to Fakir and Ahiru's lovey dovey story!"

"Ah, you do my little doll do you? Well there is one thing that has awakened from their little change-up of my story! It seems it is moving at times without my pen even reaching the paper! The town is becoming loose of my control without the clock tower! Uzura your little aids are not as well, and I have fewer dolls, and people who still remember my story! But I may be able to make one last attempt at continuing the story!"

"Lovey dovey story?"

"Yes." Drosselmeyer turned away. ".. and what fun it will be to see my Fakir struggle one more time...let us see if I can muster a way to play with Swan Princess who fell for the Knight and not the Prince? Maybe with this small loophole I can...maybe one day in the near future that day will come... but for now I need to rest. Come Uzura, help me loosen the knots my brain has formed from all of this chaos in this story. I cannot write their sequel...or I guess a threequel in this state of mind..."

"Sure. Yay for the Lovey Dovey ending!'

"Yes. Yay indeed." He agreed cynically.

The End...?

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