Thunder - Boys like Girls.

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"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to youuuu horayyyy" Everyone sang. It was my 18th and so far it was the best birthday I have ever had. We were all in Dublin for the next 2 days and my family have drove down from Belfast. Tris was infront of me holding my cake as I had everyone I love singing to me. I was one lucky girl, I guess that although you may go through some difficult stuff you will always get the ending you deserve. Sometimes I get flashbacks, I get down and imagine how different my life could've been. My daughter would've been coming 2. Its hard to think about the past, the good and bad parts. I still have to speak to a therapist but none of the boys no that, even Tristan. I call her whenever I need her because I still get depressed and urges to end my own life, its been getting harder.

"Thanks you guys" I laughed as I blew out my candles. The boys were doing two shows while we were here in Dublin and in an hour they will be doing the last one, we were going back to England tomorrow.

"Happy birthday ugly, here" My daddy handed me an envelope. He is always away working as he has his own painting and decorating business, that's why he's never really around. I opened it to find a lot of different vouchers for my favourite shops along with a check of £500.

"Omg daddy this is was too much honestly!" I couldn't believe I had this amount of money in my hand.

"Don't worry, its al yours! Me and your mummy have an account for all four of you, sure Adam got his when he turned 18" This was true, my older brother spent his on a car that he then crashed a month later. What the hell was I going to do with £500! This was amazing. My parents went back to the rest of the adults, I glanced round to see my little sister over with Tristan's little sister and Connors younger brother. Kieran who is a year younger than me was standing with the Vamp boys and Adam was over beside Joe, Dean and Fin. All these people meant so much to me, wait where's Emma?

Shit, its my birthday which also means its Deborah's anniversary. Emma's big sister was killed by a drunk driver 4 years ago and ever since my birthday was a celebration along with a memorial and to be honest it didn't bother me, it was a day for me and Emma to be cheered up and every year since then both our families came together and this year was no different, Emma's family were all here but the boys thought it was for my birthday. I grabbed my bag and went to find Em.

"Hey, i'll be back soon I need to go find Emma, btw none of the boys no so don't tell them" I told Kieran as I left. I knew exactly where Emma would be, anywhere near a river. I left the O2 Arena and jumped in a taxi and asked the driver to bring me to the nearest river and when I arrived I seen her on the bench. She has this thing with rivers, every time something was wrong Emma would go to a river and just sit and stare into it, I don't no why but it calmed her.

"Here" I placed a box in her hand as I sat beside her, I didn't even have to look at her, I know she's been crying. I heard her open it and gasp, then she began laughing before it turned into a cry, I put my arm around her. This girl has been by my side for 6 years and we have never had a serious fight, we know eachother too well, we know what were both thinking without having to say anything. An ordinary friend would sit here and say she was sorry about her sister, that Deborah was in a better place, that I was here if she needed to talk. I didn't need to say that because I experienced the death with her, Deborah was a big sister to us both she was amazing.

"Shannon this is amazing, how did you do all this?" Emma spoke as she turned to face me with the wooden box open on her lap. I got a wooden box carved with her name and some patterns. I filled it with pictures of her, Deborah and me. With photos of the past few months we've spent with the boys, travelling and meeting fans along with a few celebs. A small bracelet that had her and Deborah's initials along with a star. I knew that these memories along with the bracelet would make her smile.

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