All the small things - Blink 182

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"I was really hoping that these two weeks would drag in" Tris said as he helped me pack up the last of my things. We were back in London at the hotel and in 3 hours me and Emma would be on our flight back to Belfast as we go back to school tomorrow, im sad and scared as ive done very little revision, oops.

"Yeah I know, but I guess since we were always busy and travelling we lost track of time" I kissed him on the head as he was knelt down on the floor. I really will miss him even more than before now, before we had only met and spent 4 days together and now we've spent 2 weeks together I realised that in fact I was falling pretty hard for this boy which I told myself not to do, damn.

"Well," He began as he stopped packing and joined me on the bed. "We aren't that busy until the start of all the summer shows in July and by then you'll be done for summer"

"Tris my summer begins in like 2 weeks as im on study leave for my exams but I cant be travelling the entire time, ill fail everything" I trailed off. He grabbed me into a hug.

"Yeah I know that silly, butt you could for like a weekend? the only problem is that in 3 days were going to America for nearly 2 months so I wont be able to see you until im home" He brushed the hair from my face, he was so cute. This killed me, two months without him and with the time difference we wont be able to text as much as we do now, this will be difficult.

"Well my last exam is on the 19th of June, so from then im all yours" I winked while quickly pecking him on the lips. "Right I really need to finish packing, lets go" We both jumped up and continued packing my stuff.

"We'll sort something out, im not letting you go" Tris spoke as he squeezed my hand and winked before going back to packing, I really hope we do because I really don't want this to end.

"Right girls it was fun having you with us, I just hope it isn't too long until we see you both again!" James laughed as he pulled me and Emma into a double hug, I had become rather close to all these boys individually and would miss every single one, even Fin. We said our goodbyes to them all one by one and as Emma came to Connor you could see she was upset, they had got pretty close but then Con done something that shocked us all but was long over due.

"Hey Con" Emma spoke while walking towards him with her arms out indicating a hug but Con just gripped her and kissed her! It was so adorable and we all just laughed. When he let go she looked like she was about cry and we let them walk away to talk alone. I said goodbye to Fin who had become a father figure to us during our visit, he was always looking out for us. I seen Tristan talking with Joe and Brad and I just ran to him and jumped on his back, piggy back style. We were always doing this that it stopped becoming such a shock to him. He instantly grabbed my legs so I wouldn't fall and I kissed him on the cheek before he set me down and spun round to face me then he lifted me with my legs wrapped around his waist and him holding me from under my bum.

"I really hate you"

"Am thanks I guess?"

"Im joking I just hate our situation, its times like this when I sometimes regret being in a band"

"Never ever regret being in a band, especially with these boys, your all amazing together!"

"Suppose, but I do really care about you and will miss you so much" He kissed me on the nose. I laughed before replying.

"I know you will and i'll be missing you, hey you'll be in America while im in school and doing exams!"

"Welll ive already done all my exams, youll fly through them all" He had done his exams and to be fair I've never really thought about the age different between us, he is turning 20 this summer although I was also turning 18 this summer so its only 2 years. No big deal.

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