R U Mine?-Arctic Monekys.

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Its been a month since Tris left and we've spoke everyday. I still have girls in school who will ask me how he is along with a few twitter mentions. The boys have all tweeted me and Emma saying they missed us, they're too nice. I missed Tris so much but im guessing Beth had seen my twitter as she has been texting and calling me non stop asking to meet up, part of me really wanted to but then again why would I go backwards when I can keep moving forward?


Please let me see you over the Easter break, please Shannon I promise I just want to talk, that's all xxx

Easter break had begun and I have two weeks off school but I still have a lot of coursework and revision to do, yay. I suppose an hour with Beth wont hurt? She only lives up the street. Should I tell Tris or will that cause an argument? Nah, it'll be fine.


I have a free house on Saturday from 12, you can call down for an hour but that's it and then that's us completely done Beth.

I rang Emma to fill her in, she was not pleased but understood that all I wanted was closure from Beth, I just need to know why? If she loves me so badly why would you cheat and lead other girls on, it made no sense to me! She also told me that I should tell Tris incase he found out and got the wrong idea, I quickly agreed and told Emma I would text her later. I rang Tris, no answer great.

"@Shannonshush - fancy answering your phone? thanks doll @TheVampsTristan

"@TheVampsBrad - Hey you @Shannonshush he is sleeping, wadup?

"@Shannonshush - @TheVampsBrad shocker, can you ask him to ring me once he's up, thanks x

I decided I should probably leave my bed it was now 11am and im pretty sure my mummy isn't happy with me lying in bed late, she hates it. I put on some music and got showered, came out and dried my hair. I suddenly heard my phone ring. It was Tristan, good.

"Hey whats up babe? brad told me to ring you" He spoke first.

"Yeah hey, am so I need to talk to you about Beth .." I trailed off not knowing what to expect. Yeah we aren't exactly in a relationship and I haven't seen him in a month but we both agreed we wouldn't date anyone else while we were apart and we wanted to give 'us' a try.

"Am okay, but why?" he questioned.

"Because she keeps hassling me to talk to her so she can explain and to be honest I need that, I need to know why, I want some sort of closure" I hesitated waiting for his reply.

"She better not try and kiss you or beg for you to get back with her, I don't care if she's a girl I will kill her" He laughed off, he was so understanding.

"Don't be stupid as if I would be that naïve to believe anything like that, I just wanted to give you a heads up she's gona come down tomorrow for an hour that's all"

"Okay, wait an hour?thats a long time I hope she doesn't some how get you into bed because that's not fair!" He laughed down the phone and I could tell he was pulling a cheeky facial expression, only Tris.

"Oh shut up, of course not! Right im going to go, im just out of the shower and need dressed, ill text you after, bye babe"

"Bye, love you" He hung up. Wait what? did he just say 'love you' whattttt!!


"Ah man what the hell, did you just say love you?" Brad shouted as he came from the bathroom. Oh shit I did didn't I? she's probably laughing at it now, why did I say that? Yeah I liked her but love? that was abit fast. I haven't seen this girl in a month, haven't been able to hold or kiss her like I cant love her, can I?

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