The Office

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 One particularly hot morning brought the household to a slow and sullen stop. Every window was left open, inviting various bugs and birds into our home, which became increasingly disturbing. A light breeze blew the curtains and drawstrings open, creating quiet taps and fwips. Ms. A was away at the store, I, in charge of the home. Focusing on work proved futile, especially with the periodic groans and complaints coming from Natsu on the other end of the hall.

He sat in his desk chair limply, waving a magazine over his face, his legs dangling freely off the edge. He sported a comfortable pair of shorts and a loose blouse, light blue and white in colour. His hair was pulled into two ponytails, his lashes coated with makeup I presume he had stolen from his mother. Music played in the background from the record player downstairs.

"Saaaaaage..." He whined, not bothering to get up from his seat. "It's too hot, I'm gonna die in this house..." He inhaled and exhaled dramatically, spinning his chair with his feet to face me.

I didn't look up from my work, nervous that he was baiting me into another game of his. Instead, I opened my drawer and refilled my ink, keeping my focus on a deserted article of mine.

"You won't die, Natsu," I sighed, feeling sweat drip down the sides of my face. "Why don't you take a cold shower to cool off, hm?" I heard him shift in his seat and allowed myself to glance up at him.

To no surprise, he had hung his head off the edge of the chair's arm, and was looking directly into my office. His volumnous pigtails swung and bounced with every movement, exciting me. He tilted his head slightly, his view upside down, and blinked.

"You think I should?" He sat up then, hopping off the chair to land softly on his feet. In a few strides he had bridged the gap between our doors and stood leaning against a dresser of mine, his fingers twirling a thick strand of hair. His lips puckered and blew a small pink bubble that popped quickly, making him jump and giggle. "What if my hair gets wet...? Mommy wouldn't like that," He batted his eyelashes and licked gum off of his lips.

I sat back in my chair, unnerved. As inviting as he seemed, something about him was foreboding, and I didn't allow myself to get caught up in his trap. My palms itched with sweat and anxiety, and I rubbed them on my pant legs under my desk. Natsu must have sensed this, as he took one step forward, lowering his voice. I watched him in silence.

"Maybe you could come in the shower with me and hold it out of the way, hmm?" His fingers danced along the contents of my desk, inching their way towards me. His young hips hinted at voluptuosity, and his blouse blew in the slight breeze to reveal them. Glancing at them and then back to his eyes, I realized he had moved much closer than I initially thought while I was lost in the sight of him. His back arched and he pressed himself onto my desk, leaning the full weight of his torso onto my papers. His hands held his face and he swayed, anchored in place by his elbows. I felt my mouth part, parched, watching his every move.

He tilted his head once more, freeing his right arm to come slowly towards me. His face remained innocent, seemingly unaware of the weight of his actions. His round, inviting eyes begged me to lean forward, to curtail this distance between us and pull him right over the desk. Unable to look away, I sat entirely still. His hand raised to caress my face, his thumb lowering to grace my lips.

In an instant he had pulled me forward by the back of my neck and slammed his lips onto mine. They were sugary sweet as they glided over mine, deepening the kiss with every inhale. His tongue was far from hesitant to interrupt my lips, a piece of bubblegum sliding its way into my mouth. He pulled away, laughing boisterously, and I sat back, panting. My heart raced, my cheeks flared to be bright red, and Natsu simply grinned.

"Hold that for me so I don't get in trouble, 'kay?" He winked at me, spinning on his heels and skipping out the door. "And don't peek while I shower~!"

Everything had happened so fast, I hardly had time to process the object that had been placed in my mouth. I sat back in my chair, defeated. The gum had lost its flavour, so I spit it into a piece of paper and promptly threw it away.

Before I could properly reimagine what had just taken place, I heard the record player abruptly cut off, and the locks on the door turn and stick in place.

Ms. A was home.

I had a generous minute before she would be upstairs, in which I fixed my hair and the collar of my shirt. When I began straightening things out on my desk, I heard a light snicker come from the end of the hallway. Looking up, I met Natsu's angelic eyes yet again, and he was fully nude. He turned his back to me, biting a finger, and my mouth hung open. His hips swayed and he bent over slightly, his hair now loose about his shoulders.

Ms. A set a bag down on my desk, shocking me into vigilance. I jumped, clutching my chest, and heard Natsu's door slam shut.

"I'm sorry, were you busy working?" She looked apologetic and I sighed, shaking my head.

"It's fine, I was just- Lost in thought..." I looked at the bag she had placed on my desk, filled to the brim with writing supplies and various assorted cookie boxes. "Is this for me...?"

She smiled, leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

"Of course! I wanted to thank you for getting along so well with my Natsu... He seems to really like you, which is surprising," She laughed, and my heart skipped a beat. "I'll be sure to entrust you with him more often. I have nothing to worry about, now!"

'Perhaps Ms. A was confused,' I thought as she left my office. 'Could there be a woman so daft as to ignore what was happening?'

Of course I was grateful that she was blind to Natsu and I's situation, sure that she would have a stroke should she find out. I just couldn't get past the fact that Natsu was so obvious. So bold as to do something so public in my office, where anyone driving by could have seen. He was practically trying to get Ms. A's attention, yet she continued to leave him in my care, night, day, and otherwise.

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

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