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When to they pulled up to the gates of a huge white mansion Evas mouth dropped.

"you live here?" Eva asked still staring at the huge house.
"yes we do " Omar said and mumbled something under his breath that Eva couldn't understand.

As Eva was getting a tour of the house she came to realize the house was even bigger in the inside and twice of gorgeous.

"Are you hungry?" Renold asked but his face was void of any emotion.

Eva nodded and was led to the kitchen were she was fixed a plate  of pelou.

After Eva ate she was showed her room. The room was a deep purple and was easily stunning. Eva unpacked and walked around the house.

Eva ran into alot of males when she walked around which caused her to be unsettled.

Eva came upon a door and could hear hush whispers but that changed when she heard a voice that sounded like Omar say " then why bring her here when you know how mother is, this is you 3rd bastard"

Eva backed away from the door and went to her room not stucking around to know more.

She sat in the window "what'swrong with me" Eva said into the night.
3, Renold had 3 children outside of his son, where were they Eva thought.

Eva slept that night with alot on her mind.

The next day everyone left and Eva was alone in the house.
"Seems i'm always going to be alone" Eva thought as she sat in the living room.

Moments later the phone, "Hello may i ask whose speaking" Eva said.

"Whose this, are you another one of Renolds' sluts" asked the female voice on the other end.

Before Eva could answer the phone was snatched from her hand by an extremely angry Omar.

"Go up stairs" he growled turning his attention to the phone.
As Eva ran up upstairs not needing to be told twice the rest of the men filed in making way to the kitchen.

After sometime Eva could hear shouting and arguing from down stairs. Ignoring it Eva laid in her bed and plugged in her headphones drowning out the noise.

'I'm causing these problems, why?'
'Things were suppose to be different'

Eva laid there oblivious to what was happening around and not knowing when sleep took her.
But the darkness became her safe haven so she hadn't mind.

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