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When Eva came to she looked around the small enclosed area and realized she was in the trunk of a car. She could hear the purr of the engine and feel the bumps on the road, trying to move Eva realized she couldn't her body was numb as though she were paralyzed.
Eva started hyperventilating.

The car came to a stop and Eva started to panic more. 'why would they do this to her, they were supposed to love me' Eva thought to her self as a stray tear slipped down her face.

The door to the trunk opened and Omar dragged her from the car along with 2 other men.

Looking around Eva saw she was on some sort of bridge which caused her to panic even more as she did not know what was about to happen.

"sorry sis but my mom can't deal with another one of my dads bastards" Omar said as he tossed Eva over the bridge.

The water stung Evas skin as they collided. She sank deeper flowing with the current. Her lungs filled with water and began to burn but she couldn't do anything but lay there and move with the current.
Black dots started to Mar her vision. Just before the darkness took over Eva felt feeling return to her limbs but it was too late, she had already drowned.

A coldness brushed passed her body causing her eyes to snap open. Eva stood up and looked down shocked to see her body laid on the river bank pale and life less. 

That cold presence brushed against her body again and she turned around only to come face to face with Death himself.
"so what, you here to betray me like everyone else in my life" Eva asked as a matter of fact.
Death look taken a back by her demeanor but recovered quickly.

"No child i'm here to collect your soul, In a world that made of a beautiful lies i bring you an ugly truth" death said outstretching his hand for Eva to take.

"if i take your hand what would that entail" Eva asked uncertain as what to do. She was already dead so what options did she have.
"You have made peace with the darkness when the light have wronged you yet your soul still shines so bright, you are free to choose" Death said calmly.

Eva did not know what choosing the darkness meant but it was peaceful so she took Deaths hand and was shrouded in blackness but the light in her soul remained for her light shown even more brightly in the dark. 

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