Chapter 3

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Note: Any festivities written in this chapter is non-cannon or doesn't exist in the actual manga or story.

It's almost Halloween and the school is livilier than usual. Apparently, there's some school tradition about handing out a dish to the person you admire during Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's week and if they accept your dishes in all three occassions, it means that you accept their devotion and considered as an official couple and if couples do this ritual, it's the same as saying they'll be together forever.

"Isn't it exciting?!?!?!" Yuki shouted excitedly as we entered the kitchen.

All the girls were here and they were the ones who told me about the tradition since I'm the only female transfer student.

"So why are we in the kitchen again? In the middle of the night?" I asked curiously. As if on queue, Yuki and Ryoko looked at me with mischievous eyes.

"Eh??? I'm sure you were thinking about creating a dish for Ibusaki-kun." Ryoko said teasingly.

"Yeah! You wouldn't want to miss this opportunity right?! It could possibly mark your relationship with Ibusaki!" Yuki added.

I turned to look at Megumi who just looked at me apologetically, silently telling me she somewhat agrees with the two.

"Okay. I get why I'm here but does it mean you guys are also participating?" I said half teasing.

"No way! I'm only here for moral support!" Yuki declared.

"Same. We're here to bring you to the kitchen so you could work and make sure none of the guys enters the kitchen." Ryoko explained.

"Ohhh... What about you Megumi?" I asked the blue haired girl whose suddenly turned red.

"I-I-I-I'm p-p-participating... ummm... but it's more of a thank you gift than a romantic one." She said shyly and she played with her fingers, looking away from us.

'She's so cute.'

"Hmmmm... I have a guess on who you might be giving it to, but I won't push further. Thanks for filling me with details, girls, but I'm going back to bed." I said.

"Eh??? Why?" Yuki asked.

"I'm tired and I want to sleep. I'll make my dish tomorrow morning." I explained.

"I see... Then what about you Megumi??" Yuki eagerly asked.

"I'm going to make them now." Megumi replied with no hesitation. I looked at her determined eyes and find myself smiling.

I heard that she wasn't always like that. They said she would always freak out and have no confidence at all, but I just can't imagine Megumi that way. She may look vulnerable but she has just enough fire in her eyes and I truly admire that.

I excuse myself as I made my way back to my room. I was really sleepy but my mind started to think about what I'll be making tomorrow. I normally don't believe in traditions like these since they are usually made by people with too much time on their hands, but somehow, thinking about Shun accepting a dish I made on a believed special day makes me so excited and happy.

I entered my room and continued my sleep after deciding what to make tomorrow morning.

===Next Day===

I woke up feeling completely refreshed but then start to panic as I see myself in my bed. I was sure I woke up a few hours ago to cook the dish I was going to give Shun today.

"Or... could it be that I was dreaming that I cooked something for Shun..."

I quickly changed my clothes to my uniform and checked the clock. I was going to be late and I haven't had breakfast yet, but none of that matters right now. I dashed to the kitchen to be greeted by Fumio-san who was taking care of the dishes.

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