Chapter 2

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It's been five minutes already and the two of us continue to stare at each other with his hand on my right wrist.

"You're not going to say anything?" He finally spoke, making my heart race, as I felt the sharpness of his eyes despite being covered by his bangs.

"Say what exactly?" I replied completely confused.

It was late in the evening and suddenly felt hungry so I decided to go to the kitchen to find something to eat until he suddenly appeared and grabbed me by the wrist. Everyone in the dorm should've been asleep by now since it was almost midnight, yet he's wide awake.

' least I think so. It's a little hard since I can't see his eyes well.'

"You were at the bottom only a few weeks ago but was able to escape your expulsion warning after winning a shokugeki against someone. Everyone was confused as to why would anyone accept a shokugeki with the loser acquiring an expulsion warning. What did you wager?" He asked.

"Ohhh~ Hmmm... It's a secret." I said childishly while sticking my tongue out. I felt his grip tighten a little making flinch.

"...Could it be that Shun-sama is actually worried about me??? Does that mean you've fallen for me already???" I excitedly asks to which he gave an audible sigh before loosening his grip.

"I'm curious and worried about you since we're talking about you, who is in the same dorm as me. I want to know what trick you did to make your opponent accept your shokugeki challenge." Shun said nonchalantly.

I thought about it for a while but decides to not tell him. Ever since he stopped me from leaving the institution a few weeks ago and acquiring a 'go' signal from him, there was no way I could settle being on the knife's edge. I couldn't wait until the next term for my warning to be lifted so I went for the easy way out, a shokugeki match with someone, the loser acquires the expulsion warning. Shun was right though. There isn't a sane person who would accept a match with that as the penalty... unless I have something equal to offer. Something that they would consider as a good deal.

"Not telling. It's super top secret. The most I could tell you is that I only asked one person for a match and he accepts the conditions easily." I replied as I dived in a hug him, his hand still on one of my wrist.

I took a deep breath, letting me drown in his smoky scent and warmth. Ever since the night I confessed, he slowly started letting me have physical contact with him which is definitely a big step from throwing myself at him all the time. I waited for him to push me away or give me any signs of disapproval. The most physical contact he had allowed me until this moment was clinging on his arm and it took me more than 2 weeks before he finally --gave up-- allowed me to do so.

He slowly let go of my wrist and felt his other hand on top of my head, slowly patting me. I mewled in delight as I move my head, trying to sync with his hand that was patting me.

"I have some ideas of my own and I'm not fond of any of them. Don't wager whatever you wagered again." I said in a strict but calm manner.

"Is you being so worried of what I wagered mean that you're starting to fall for me?" I asked cheerily.

"I told you I'm worried because you're a dormmate and a friend."

"But we can also try to be more than that." I said as I looked at him in the eye which I can clearly see in our current position but he just gave me a look.

I pouted a little.

"It's fine. I'll make sure you'll fall in love with me anyway so there's no need to give you some innuendo." I confidently said while snuggling on his chest before pulling myself away.

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