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"What exactly are we looking for?" Amelia asked, looking at Stiles as herself, Lydia and the Stilinski boy walked to the science classroom of Beacon Hills High.

Stiles just ignored the girl's question, walking into the classroom and towards the chemical room. He then opened the door with no hesitation, making the girls look at each other. "Uh– That was supposed to be locked." Lydia said.

"Yeah, I know. Notice anything else?" Stiles asked them as he began to look for anything in the room.

The two girls looked at each other again, Amelia shrugging before she took a deep breath. "Yeah, smells like chemicals." She crossed her arms.

Lydia furrowed her brows, then realized something. "We wouldn't have been able to catch his scent."

Stiles nodded his head, his flashlight then shone on the floor, seeing staples and blood that stained the floor.

"He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself." Stiles confirmed, looking up at them as they stayed put by the door. "You two were right."

"Then why don't we feel good about this?" Lydia questioned the boy.

"Probably because he was here to kill somebody." Stiles said to them. "Yeah, but who?" Amelia questioned.

"That's what we gotta figure out." He walked past them, into the classroom. "We could spread out, look for– Anything, look for anything."

Amelia and Lydia then began to help Stiles look for something. Then Lydia saw writings on the chalkboard, walking towards it slowly.

Amelia looked at Lydia, then the board, furrowing her brows. "Atomic numbers?"

"Yeah." Lydia nodded. "Is it a formula?" Stiles asked, looking at both of them.

"Not really, nineteen's potassium. Fifty-three's iodine. Eighty-eight's radium." Lydia said, Amelia walking to stand next to her on her right.

"The first two make potassium iodide." Amelia said, shrugging a little.

Lydia then grabbed a piece of chalk and began to write their symbols.

Stiles watched Lydia put the letter K beside nineteen, furrowing his brows in confusion. "Potassium's K?"

"From kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." Amelia confirmed for Stiles, contiuning to watch Lydia.

Lydia wrote the letter I next to fifty-three. "What's radium?" Stiles asked.

"Ra." Lydia and Amelia mumbled as she wrote the last two letters next to eighty-eight.

"Kira." Stiles said, all three of them staring at the board, the letters forming Kira's name.

Amelia looked at Stiles and Lydia, "We have to go see Scott."

"Scott, Scott." Stiles, Lydia and Amelia ran towards a passed out Scott on the ground, in front of Kira's house.

Scott's eyes opened before he shot up, "Barrow, he took Kira!"

"We know, he was after her the whole time." Stiles nodded.

Scott looked at Amelia. "Call Isaac, see if they found anything."

"Me? Why can't you?" Amelia questioned the wolf.

"Just do it, please." Scott said.

The brunette sighed before pulling her phone out, quickly dialling her boyfriend's number.

A couple rings rang, then he finally picked up. "Hey," he said.

"Anything?" She asked quickly. "No, nothing. Just stuff about flies and the dead." He huffed.

"Okay, well, thanks, love you." She hung up and put her phone back into her pocket.

She turned back to the other three, their eyes averting to her. Their brows raised, asking if Isaac and Allison found anything.

Amelia's head shook, sighing.

Scott sighed as well, "We have to think of something. He's going to kill her."

Amelia was deep into thought before she spoke up, "But how did we know he was there?" She looked up, glancing at Lydia when she said we.

"Because you two heard the flies, right?" Stiles questioned, them nodding their heads. "What do you hear now?"

Their eyes shut once again, focusing on what they were going to hear; but, nothing, nothing at all.

"Nothing," Amelia said. "Lydia?" She looked to her sister, as well as Scott and Stiles.

"Nothing," Lydia said, all of them swallowing thickly. "But I feel like I can do this. I just don't know what to do, it's like it's on the tip on my tongue and I don't know how to trigger it."

Amelia realized that she was feeling the same, frowning to herself as she thought, What the hell am I?

"I feel the same. It literally just makes me want to scream." Amelia's head shook again.

Lydia sighed before she took a few steps ahead, rubbing at her temples. Amelia was going to follow, a frown decorating her face as Stiles spoke up, "Okay, then, scream. Lydia, Amelia, scream."

With no hesitation, Lydia let out an ear piercing scream. Stiles and Amelia held onto their ears, as Scott didn't move.

Lydia stopped, letting out a breath, looking over her shoulder. "You can't hear it?" Her question towards Amelia.

Amelia frowned, her head nodding no. Her eyes closed again, then opened again, but her eye colour had changed to a faint golden brown. No one was looking at her, not noticing her eyes had been glowing faintly.

She unknowingly blinked it away, then a faint sound of electricity erupted in her ears. She looked up at the light above them, as well as Lydia.

Lydia turned around, her strawberry blonde hair spinning with her. "It's electricity." Both her and Amelia said at the same time.

Stiles's eyes widened, "Wait a second, Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation."

Scott looked over to his best friend, "What substation?"

Stiles, Lydia and Amelia sat in Stiles' Jeep, following Scott as he took them towards the power substation.

They've arrived to the substation, Stiles quickly putting his Jeep into park and getting out.

Amelia stayed put in the backseat, Lydia prepared to get out but was stopped by Stiles's voice. "Okay, you two wait here, alright? Just wait for the cops to come," He let out quickly.

"Us? Wait, why?" Amelia and Lydia asked right away.

"I've only got one bat," Stiles said, making Lydia's shoulders slump. "And I'm assuming Scott doesn't want you, Amelia, to get hurt."

Amelia sighed, her shoulders slumping as well.

Not even five minutes in, there was a big booming noise and the lights flickered.

Amelia sat up straighter, a gasp escaping her lips. "I need to go help. Lydia–"

"Ah, no, you're staying here with me. I'm taking Scott's side with this, I don't want you getting hurt." Lydia shook her head, turning slightly to look at Amelia.

Amelia glanced between the building and her sister, sighing a little before she slumped back into the seat. "Fine." She huffed.

Lydia turned back towards the front, her arms crossed as she let out a sigh.

Amelia looked back at the building, then, all source of light went out. She glanced around, seeing every light in Beacon Hills go out. "Great."

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