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Amelia and Stiles ran around fractically in the woods, looking for the Teen Wolf.

Then, they both turned, Amelia bumping into a chest as she let out a short scream. A pair of hands caught and held her by the small part of her back. Her hands laid on their chest, her eyes opening to see Scott.

"Oh my God," she breathed, taking her hands away from him and he pulled his hands away from her.

"Oh," Stiles realized. "I think we found something."

"So did I." Scott nodded, then the two followed Stiles.

All of them found theirselves in a small den of some sort, using the flashlight once again.

"It's a coyote den." Stiles said.

"Werecoyote." Scott corrected, looking at his best friend.

Amelia took the flashlight, crouching down, as well as the other two boys. Her fingers grasped onto a blue jacket, holding it up and flashing the light on it. "Isn't this Malia's? In the photo?"

Stiles' head nodded at her, as well as Scott's. Then, Scott grabbed onto a bear, staring at it before he glanced around the den.

"We shouldn't be in here." Scott mumbled, frowning.

Amelia and Stiles looked at each other, a frown forming on their face a well, "What do you mean?" Stiles asked.

"She's not going to come back now. We just invaded her home, our scent's going to be everywhere." Scott explained.

Amelia looked at him, "If she's not coming back here, where's she gonna go?" She asked him.

"I don't know." Scott's head shook.

"Can you track her? You think you got her scent?" Stiles asked the wolf.

"Maybe. But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back." Scott sighed.

Silence fell upon them, Amelia also let out a small sigh.

"Well, if I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help." Scott nodded, making Stiles and Amelia look at him.

Amelia looked down at the ground, then back up at the two boys, "This is basically a crime scene, right? It's a little out of your boss's league, isn't it?" She looked at Scott.

Stiles nodded his head, "Yeah, and more in my Dad's."

Sheriff Stilinski had arrived moments after the three had a discussion in the den, and then told Stiles' Dad about what they think.

Stilinski walked out of the den, tightly holding onto a blanket in his hand, "You're sure it was her?" He asked the three teenagers.

Scott nodded, "I looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed just like mine."

"It makes sense, Dad," Stiles nodded.

"But it wasn't a girl, it was a four-legged coyote, right?" Stilinski asked, making Amelia's eyes close for a moment.

"Well, okay, yeah, but see, that's the part we don't exactly have figured out yet." Stiles said.

"Okay, but if it was a full moon, and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could've happened." Scott explained.

"Horrible things could've happened." Stiles corrected. "Ripping, shredding, tearing things–"

"Which is probably what caused the accident." Amelia butted in.

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