Under Control

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Athena's P.O.V.

"Are you coming or what?" Elena asked.

"Yeah just let me find my backpack." I her. I feel around my bed in search of my backpack.

"Here." Elena said. I reach in her direction and take a hold of my backpack.

"Thanks." I said.

"Hurry up slow poke." She joked.

"Hurry up Jeremy or we're going to leave your slow ass!" I yelled.

"Athena language." I heard aunt Jenna scold me.

"Yeah yeah." I said waving her off.

"Forgot this." I heard Aunt Jenna tell Elena.

"Thank you." Elena replied. I hear the door open and go to follow Elena.

"Elena!" I hear Uncle John greet.

"Uncle John?" I questioned.

"Uncle John! Hi." Elena greeted confirming my suspicion.

"I'm going to wait outside while you all talk." I state walking pass them. I take a seat on the bench and listen to the birds chirping and cars driving pass.

"Come on Athena." Elena told me. I get up and follow after her. I open the door to the car and get in.

Elena's P.O.V.

"He said his trip is open ended." I told Matt.

"Uncle John, I never really liked that guy." Matt told me.

"Does anyone? The only person that can somewhat stand him is Athena." I point out.

"I'm here for moral support if you need me. You too Athena." Matt told Athena and I.

"I appreciate it Matt." Athena spoke up.

"Thanks, I think I'll suffer this one alone; you've been through enough."  Told Matt.

"I need to get to class talk to you both later." Athena said.

"Be careful!" I called after her.

"Aren't I always!?" She yelled back. Before she can run into some she turns around at the last second and moves out of their way. I just shake my head at my sister.

Athena's P.O.V.

"So you mean to tell me Jeremy might know about the supernatural?" I asked.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying." Alaric told me.

"But how?  We've  done so much to protect him from all of this." Elena commented.

"He said he didn't think  it was real." Alaric told us.

"I think that's complete and utter bullshit he must know something. Wait until I get to him he'll  tell me what he knows." I  declared.

"Athena  don't." Elena warned. "He might not even know anything." She added.

"And do you really believe that?" I asked.

"So how do you deal with all of this?" Alaric asked. 

"What do you mean?" Elena asked. 

"The lies and secrets you have to lie to all the people that mean something to you." He elaborated.

"It's not safe for them to know the truth I keep it from them because I love them." After that a long pause.

"Stefan is a good guy but at the end of the day he is still a vampire." Alaric pointed.

" I know it's hard to understand but Stefan is different. He would never do anything to hurt me." Elena replied.

"Not intentionally maybe not physically Elena but like he said he is still a vampire." I spoke up.

Later me,Jeremy,Aunt Jenna, and Uncle John are eating in the kitchen.  I take another  bite out of my bowl of baby carrots and ranch.

"So Athena how have you been?" Uncle John  asked.

"I've been fine." I answer.

"I've no interest in the Founders' Day Kick-off Party." Jeremy commented.

"I agree it sounds funish but if Mayor Lockwood  is there I might get arrested." I say.

"It's tradition." Uncle John pointed out.

"It may be but the last time I was in contact with Mayor Lockwood things have gotten  a little physical meaning I might have kicked  his assistant." I mentioned.

"I don't even want to know but it will be our role to break tradition." Aunt Jenna  said.

"The Gilberts have been a part of this town for a hundred and fifty years. We're one of the founding families and with that distinction comes certain obligations including going to the party. One day, when you can appreciate the significance, I'll tell you all about your heritage." Uncle John explained.

"That whole speech made my ears bleed and I have the sneaky suspicion that  we didn't  technically even found Mystic Falls." I spoke up.

"Hmm, the Gilbert family legacy. I forgot how sacred it was. I'm not a Gilbert so I was never cool enough to hear it." Aunt Jenna  replied sarcastically.

"Why do you hate him again?" I asked.

"We used to sleep together." Uncle John revealed making me nearly choke on a carrot.

"Ewww fuck my virgin ears." I cursed.  In that short time period  I hear something being thrown.

"I am right here no need to spread our dirty laundry." Aunt Jenna told him. 

"I'm going outside." I  state. I grab my bowl and count the steps from the kitchen to outside. Once outside I sit on the bench outside. I hear a noise and stand up.

"Hello?" I questioned allowed.

"Athena uh hi." I hear Stefan greet.

"What's wrong Stefan?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answered.

"You're lying Stefan I heard the uncertainty in your voice." I  said and that is when it dawned on me. "You don't  have your bloodlust under control." I conclude.

"Please don't tell your sister." He  pleaded.

"Oh I won't the reason being is because she'll  find out anyway. But know this Stefan I may like you but hurt Elena and I'll  hurt you. Have a nice day." I smiled. I sit back down and continue eating my carrots. After I'm  finished I walk back inside.  I walk into the kitchen and wash  out the bowl.I set it in the dish rack after I'm done. 

"So what's the real reason you're not going?" Uncle  John asked.  I whip my head around to face him.

"I can't see I have never seen a damn thing a day in my life you know that. One of the things I  want most in the world is to see even if it's just for a little while." I  use both hands to wipe my tears. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked crossing my arms. I hear his feet come closer to me and  I take a step back.

"I'm just giving you a hug." He assured me. I just keep my arms  at my sides. After he leaves I go up to my room. I sit on my bed and pull my legs to my chest and cry into them.  Eventually I'm  worn out from all the crying and fall asleep.

Elena's P.O.V.

When I  go home I go up to Athena's room to check on her.  I open her door and found that she fell asleep with her shoes on.  When I get closer I notice dry tear stains on her cheeks.

"Oh Athena." I whispered. I take off her shoes and with some difficultly I pull the cover over her.  With one last look I leave my sister's room.

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