Later That Day

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Athena's P.O.V.
I was sitting at my vanity brushing my long curly hair softly. I wish I could see what everyone looks like. I wish I wasn't blind then it would be easier. A tear slips out and I quickly use my hand to wipe any trace of it. But more come and I furiously wipe my face. My cries quickly turn into sobs. "Athena? Hey what's wrong" I hear Elena say. "I wish I could s-see what everyone looks like and I c-c-can't and I know that I never will" I say. She takes me in her arms and I cry into her. "I know. You're going to be okay. I promise" she comforts me. She wipes my tears for me. "Why don't you get some rest?" we have school tomorrow" she says. I get up and feel my way towards my bed. I lift the covers and the bed adjust to the shape of me body. "Goodnight Athena" my sister whispers oh so quietly. "Goodnight Elena" I whisper quietly. I dose off slowly then fall into a deep sleep all at once. 
*skips to morning*
"Hey Elena can you braid my hair for me?" I ask. "Yeah sure just sit  here" she tells me and I feel for the seat then sit down. Once she finishes we head off to school. We are walking through the halls. "Elena, Athena" Stefan greets."Hey Stefan" I reply back. "Hey Athena do you want to hangout with us" I hear my sister ask. "No no it's okay you two have fun. I'll go find one of the others" I tell her. "Okay are you sure? I don't think Stefan minds. Do you Stefan?" she asks. "No not at all". He speaks. "Yeah I'm sure" I say with a smile. "Well okay I guess we'll talk later"  and then we part ways. I'm aimlessly walking down the hallway when I bump into someone. "Watch where you're going idiot" I push her up against some lockers in rage. "If I was able to I would have. But you see I'm blind you dipshit. Don't ever speak that way to me again" I tell her menacingly. " Hey hey Athena calm down" I hear Caroline say. She pulls me off of her and takes me away. "Come with me We don't need you going all GI Joe on everyone" she says with a laugh. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We are going to the grill so we can get some drinks and get you to cool down." she tells me. *skips to the grill*."Ha hahaha wow you have guts Athena talking to Mr. Tanner like that" I hear Caroline say after she finishes laughing. "Yeah I know. It's what people love about me. For being a blind girl I'm pretty awesome" I say. "Athena you're more than just a blind girl. You're my bestfriend" she says confidently. "I know it just sucks I don't know what anyone looks like." I say with a half hearted smile. 
"Well let's get going we have to get back to school now" she says while getting up. I grab my backpack and we make out way back to her car and drive back to school by the time we get there it's already lunch. We get in line and get our food. Caroline guides me over to where I'm guessing Elena and Bonnie is sitting."I don't know Elena just when I touched him I got a bad feeling" I hear Bonnie tell my sister. "Is it that witch thing again" Caroline says. "I would tell my grams but she would say it's because I'm a witch but I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?" she rambles. "Maybe if you get to know him you'll think differently. Would you maybe join us for dinner to get to know him?" Elena asks Bonnie. "I don't know Elena but I'll try" Bonnie says honestly.I quietly eat my lunch listening to the rest of their conversation. I finish my lunch and someone takes my tray to put away. "Come on Athena we have to get to our last period early" I hear Elena say. She grabs my arm and we leave the cafeteria.*skips*
I'm helping Elena prepare dinner well sort of helping anyways. I hear a knock at the door and I go to answer it. "Hey Athena" Stefan greets. "Hey Stefanie. Just kidding anyways Elena is in the kitchen still preparing dinner" I tell him pointing in the direction of the kitchen. *skips*

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