162 Candles

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Athena's P.O.V.
I'm sitting on my bed doing nothing when I hear the door open I look over in that direction. "Athena come with me I need to go talk to Stefan" She says. "Sure" I sigh and get up to go follow her. I walk down the stairs to the front door and walk to the car. I wait for her to open it when she does I get in and buckle myself in. *skips the drive*
When we walk up to go knock on the door we hear a female voice yell "It's open" I find that odd but me and Elena walk in anyway. I hear the pitter patter of another pair of feet and I hear her and my sister speak. "I'm Elena you are?" she asks. "I'm Lexi.....Stefan's best friend" I hear the girl say. "I'm Athena Elena's blind twin sister" I say. Elena lightly elbows me in the stomach and I shrug. The awkward silence thickens a little. "Uh where is Stefan?" I hear my sister ask. "He's in the shower right now do you want to wait?" I hear Lexi asks."No it's okay I'll just come back later or something" and with that we both leave.
Elena's P.O.V.
I've just gotten done talking to Lexi and go over to Stefan. I leave my sister over their knowing she'll be okay. 
Athena's P.O.V.
Me and Lexi are talking and are really getting to know each other more. We are currently laughing at something Stefan did a long time ago. "I-I can't believe he d-d-did that" I say while laughing. "You know Lexi you're a really cool and kind person" I tell her. "Why thank you Athena" she says. "Bartender two shots please" she tells the bartender. The bartender sets the shots down and Lexi passes me mine. I grab it and down it in a second. "A few more?" I ask. "A few more" she confirms. 
By our 8th one I'm a tad bit tipsy. "Bartender another round of shots please!" I yell. They set it down and we both down them. Soon I'm finished with them and I get up and dance. "Come on Lexi let's dance" I grab her hand and we start dancing.
I'm talking to my sister and Stefan when all of a sudden they get quiet. "What's wrong?" I can sense something bad will happen. "The sheriff and two deputies just walked in. And they're walking over to Damon and Lexi" Stefan says. "Come on let's follow them" Stefan says again. I go with them and we're walking outside until Stefan pushes us back. "Stay right here" he says. *skips a few moments*
"He he killed her I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him" Stefan says pacing. "No Stefan don't" my sister pleads. "Why are you taking his side?" he asks. "Not  taking his side you don't know what this would do to you Stefan" Elena answers. I'm not far away from them crying slightly because Lexi was kind of my friend though I knew her for a day she was still kind of my friend. I take a deep breathe and wipe my tears away and lift my head up high. I walk over to them. "Elena's right Stefan as much as Damon deserves what's coming to him you don't know what killing your brother would do to you bad relationship and all" I say.
Elena's P.O.V.
I'm currently driving home Athena is passed out in the passenger seat. I can't believe Damon did that. 
Athena's P.O.V.
I can feel myself being shaken awake "Athena get up we're at home now" Elena says. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out slamming the door shut I walk into the house leaving the door open for Elena and walk straight to my room.I lay back on my bed and use both f my hands and drag them down my face. I feel around on my night stand for my pack of gum and I find one I take it and open it and pop it into my mouth. I go to my nightstand again and feel for my phone instead I find something else I feel all around it and find it to be a candle. Damn it I'll just look for it in the morning. I think about today's events. I eventually think about the death of Lexi I know I couldn't see what she looked like but I felt that we were friends in a way. I start to feel anger for towards Damon. He killed her and I hop he gets what he deserves. I feel heat by hand and lovey hand away. It must be from the candle. But I don't remember lighting it that's really weird.

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