Chapter 12- Final Chapter

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Anthony looked at the sleeping Ian who fell asleep on his lap and gently lifted him off, Walking into the bedroom getting out six candles placing them around the bed before lighting them.He grabbed some rose petals from a vase and spread the pink and red petals all around the bed. Before going to make some food for him and ian.

" Ian wake up." He whispered shaking Ian gently ,Ian slowly opened his eyes and yawned cutley looking up at Anthony,

" Yes Anthony?" He asked sitting up as Anthony grabbed his hand and gently pulled him off the couch.

" I made you dinner." He smiled as he pulled him into the kitchen and handed him a plate filled with steak and corn.

" Thank you." Ian said as his heart filled with love and sat down to eat.

" I have a surprise for you." Anthony laughed happily as Ian looked up with curious big blue eyes as he finished up his food. 

" What is it?" Ian asked as he stood up,walking over to the sink and set his plate into the sink.

" Just come with me." Anthony said biting his lip as he grabbed Ian's arm and pulled him into the dark hallway.

" Anthony why is it so dark?" Ian whined before Anthony opened the door showing the six candles and roses spread everywhere.

" This is the reason." Anthony whispered as he sat Ian on the bed who looked up with happy tears as Anthony walked over to the first candle.

" It's beautiful ." Ian said with a whisper as he played with one of the rose petals looking up at Anthony.

" You're more beautiful ." Anthony said lovingly as he put out the first candle and walked over to the second candle.

" Thank you." Ian blushed as he watched Anthony play with the second candles flame before Anthony looked back over at Ian.

" I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you." He said sincerely as he put out the second flame and walked over to the third one.

" Its okay." Ian tilted his head as he saw Anthony pick up the third candle and play with it.

" I'll never hurt you again." Anthony said almost barley able to hear as he put the third one out and walked over to the fourth and fifth candle.. 

" Anthony  I-." Ian goes to say but Anthony cut him off.

" You're just perfect." Anthony told him as his eyes glowed with love putting out the fourth candle and grabbed the fifth and sixth candle,walking over sitting both candles between him and Ian.

 " I love you." Ian blurted out as Anthony grinned widely putting out the fifth candle before stroking Ian's cheek.

" I love you too." He whispered back brushing his lips against Ian's as the final flame went out leaving them in the dark with their new found love.

                                                                                  The End

Hope you guy's liked this story and final chapter!!!!

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