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It was the fourth night in their new home and Frankie wanted to have a little house warming party.

Frankie invited a couple of his ex co-workers he'd became friends with from Wendy's and Jackie, along with a few of Jacob's friends from school.

Just as everyone was leaving and saying their goodbyes, Nancy walks in 3 hours late.

"Baby" She called for Antonio.

Jackie whispered to Frankie, "That's the one?"

"Yep" he sighed, knowing he was gonna have put Miss Bitch in her place tonight. It just seemed like whenever they were around each other, the claws came out.

"Looks like I'ma be staying a little while longer." Jackie crossed her arms.

She'd heard a lot about Nancy and she wanted to see what she was all about. Was she really the bitch Frankie made her out to be?

Antonio kissed Nancy on the forehead before looking at her, "Where you been– you go missing for damn near four days then you walk up in here like everything alright?!"

She's been ducking Antonio's calls and texts for the past few days. No one has seen her and Antonio didn't even think she'd show up.

"I need to talk to you," she then looked at Frankie, Jackie and Jacob who were watch the two of them intently.


Antonio quickly shook his head.

"Whatever you gotta say, you can say in front of them."

"Yeah," Frankie chimed in "you feel the need to speak on everything else so just say what you gotta say."

Nancy rolled her eyes at Frankie and said, "Nobody was talking to you– shouldn't you be worrying about finding yourself another job? I heard you got fired."

Antonio & Jacob looked at Frankie. All this time they thought he was doing just fine at Wendy's.

Now they both were wondering, where he's been going and what has he been doing?

"First of all I have a job, been had a job and will keep a job–"

"–Shaking your ass isn't a job, trick."

It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Jackie was the only one who knew Frankie lost his job at Wendy's and was also the only one who knew he was a stripper.

Shit was about to hit the fan.

"I guess it takes one to know one" Frankie replied "You really about to sit here and call me a trick when you got my brother looking like a fool in these streets– fucking different niggas to keep yourself fed? If anything, you're the trick."

He then laughed "I might take my clothes off for money but you can't say shit about me laying down with nobody. Learn how to keep your legs closed before you try to come for me."

Nancy lost it and proceeded to lunge at Frankie but was stopped by Jackie.

"Don't think you're about to run up on him while I'm standing here." She said while standing in between Frankie and Nancy.

She'd be damned to let this girl hit Frankie. Frankie may be gay but he's still a man and bougie bitches like Nancy like to press charges.

"Fuck you and him." Nancy spat

"This ain't what you want. Look, I suggest you leave on your own or–"

"Or what?!" She shouted in Jackie's face.

In one swift movement Jackie had Nancy by the hair, dragging her out the door. She didn't want Frankie going to jail behind this bitch, but she sure didn't mind doing a little time.


An hour or so had went by and everyone had left to cool off. Antonio was still in shock.

He didn't know what to say or do...

He thought the woman he loved and couldn't wait to get home to was holding him down while he was in a jam.

She came to visit him 3 days out of every week and they talked on the phone everyday... Maybe that wasn't enough

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder but while Antonio managed to fall deeper in love with Nancy, she was off doing her own thing.

It may sound crazy but this is the worst feeling ever. Not even losing his parents compared to this aching.

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