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Three weeks had gone by and the three brothers were walking into their new home.

It was filled with new furniture and smelled like peppermint.

"When did you find time to do all this, Toni?" Frankie asked in awe. They'd never lived in a house this big, even when their parents were alive. They lived in a tiny 3 bedroom home and Frankie and Jacob shared a room.

"I didn't, Nancy did." He grinned, picking up a fancy vase.

Frankie glanced at his brother. He and Nancy weren't the best of friends while Antonio was locked up. Nancy felt like she had a say-so in everything he and Jacob did just because she was Toni's girl.

She was spoiled and stuck-up and that wasn't Frankie's cup of tea.

Frankie and Nancy were sitting in the living room, discussing Jacob's birthday.

"I think we should do this Mardi Gras, New Orleans type-party. Jacob's always wanted to go to Mardi Gras so why not bring Mardi Gras to him" Frankie said, looking through party city's website.

"I don't think we should do that." Nancy had said for the fifth time.

Every time Frankie pitched an idea, she'd shut it down. She wanted Jacob to have a girly party, pink themed, with glitter and unicorns and shit.

"Listen, I know you think everything should be all sparkly and all that jazz but he's not into all the girly stuff."

"How do you know what he likes?" She asked with a slight attitude.

She was annoyed. Frankie's ideas weren't matching up with hers and they couldn't agree on anything. At this point, she was ready to say fuck the party and let's take Jacob out to eat.

"First of all, he's my brother. I live with him, I take care of him. I know what likes and dislikes. Do you wanna be apart of this or not?" Frankie tossed his hands in the air and stood up.

He was fed up. It ain't like he begged little Miss Fancy Nancy to help him out, she called him up and suggested they throw a party for Jacob.

"You're saying it like you don't want my help..." She sat the party magazine she was holding aside and stood up as well.

"I don't."

She lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Fine," She grabbed her white Chanel bag and put on her sunglasses "have fun finding someone else to pay for this."

Frankie rolled his eyes and mocked her as she walked toward the door, "I have no problem paying for my brothers party sis. I work hard to take care of the both of us."

"You flip burgers for a living that's barely enough to get my nails done." She turned on her heel to face Frankie and chuckled, thinking her smart ass remark was funny.

But it wasn't, it was rude as hell and Frankie was pissed.

"Coming from somebody that's living off of their dad. Girl bye, talk to me when you stop getting a monthly allowance." Frankie grabbed his laptop from the coffee table and made his way toward his bedroom

"You know where the door is, feel free to let yourself out."

The two haven't talked since then but Nancy and Jacob converse from time to time.

"Why you made that face?" Antonio asked, catching Frankie's side eye.

"Ion fuck with Miss Fancy but the bitch got taste." He crossed his arms and walked off to look around the house some more.

"Watch your mouth" Antonio hollered

"How long are we staying here?" Jacob asked his older brother as he walked out of one of the four bathrooms.

"For as long as you want."

Jacob grinned following Antonio into the living room, "Good– hey, what's the matter with Frankie?"

"I'm beginning to think he got issues."

"We all have issues" Jacob said plopping down on one of the couches

"True, but we have each other to get through them issues."

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