⚜️ Beautiful Mistake ⚜️

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The three Mikaelson siblings were sitting at the table, in the room next to the courtyard. In the aftermath of the fight, they were all torn and bloody; Kass's bloodied self matched Klaus' perfectly. It was a bit of a problem when it came to being a Vampire and having a twin. She was linked to him like a witch would link two people. But theirs is permanent. She sighed heavily and gulped down her second glass then motioned for another.

Elijah smirked, "I'd slow down if I were you, Sister." He said pouring her drink.

"Hmmm." Kass made a face and downed the glass, then shook her glass a fourth time, eyeing Elijah. "I'd like another glass and if you don't pour one in the next three seconds, Elijah, I won't be fighting on your behalf next time."

"Because I'm such a loving brother, I won't hold this against you." Klaus said, smirking devilishly.

"We have many things to discuss." She said, swirling her drink in her hand.

Freya burst in, annoyed, and dropped a stake. Elijah was absentmindedly fiddling with what remained of his tie, Klaus was draining some of his blood into a glass, and Kass was downing a very expensive bottle of bourbon. She was looking at the seeping wound on Elijah's wrist from where Klaus had bit him.

Freya frowned, unimpressed. "May I ask what happened?"

"We had a little chat about the past." Klaus said, smirking.

Freya rolled her eyes in exasperation, but Elijah, sounding exhausted, explained what happened. "I, along with his dear twin, informed Niklaus I, we, are not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion..."

"And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place..." Klaus added, trailing off.

"And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?"

"That we expose and destroy our first sired." Kass said. She thought of Aurora and how she was tricked into turning the damned girl.

Klaus smiled happily before sliding the glass of his blood across the table to his brother. He then picked up a glass of bourbon that he poured himself. "Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen, and ladies, know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction." He held his glass up toward Elijah, who lifted his own glass with Kass. They all clinked their glasses together and smiled.

"Hmmm. Now that we have all agreed who the real enemy is, I'm going out." Kass stood up and smirked, holding up the bottle of liquor. "I figured I should probably drain the city's supply before our own. Maybe I'll see Lucien."

"Be careful." Freya said, "We don't know what they're capable of, Lucien and Tristan."

"My sweet Freya, I'll be fine. I know exactly what they're capable of."


Kass knew she was being followed when she arrived at Lucien's apartment. The tall building towered over the canal, but still in the shade she felt exposed. Early that week she compelled the guy at the desk and the security guard to know her as a regular. She smiled and waved at them.

"Good morning, Miss Mikaelson."

"Mornin' ma'am."

"Morning boys," She greeted back, passing them to the elevators.

"Off to see Mr. Castle?"


Once Kass was on the elevator, and it found his penthouse level, she caught a familiar scent. She rung the doorbell several times till an annoyed Lucien appeared.

Consumed ⚜️ Originals Fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora