⚜️ A Walk On The Wild Side ⚜️

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Present Day

As the sun began to rise, revealing another day-- another day of her family's peril--, Elijah and Kass were at the church-turned fight club sparring. With absolutely no sweat beading on his forehead, the eldest Mikaelson swung his right fist at his little sister; By just a hair it missed her. She jumped back and went to kick him hard in the gut. He grabbed her leg and twisted it but she was able to fluidly move and pin him to the floor.

Kass smiled. "Ready to give up yet?"

Elijah smirked. Without another word he vampire-sped and escaped her hold then grabbed both her shoulder and slammed her into the cage fence. "Not quite."

"You have a lot of anger, dear brother." She teased then swung her fist and nailed him in the face. "So do I."

For the next half hour Elijah managed quite a few blows on her and Kass managed more on him. They stopped and dabbed the almost nonexistent sweat from their foreheads and smiled at one another. She broke his jaw for a few minutes before it healed and he broke her nose. She loved that he didn't hold back with her. He let out all his rage.

Kass glanced at the stained glass before taking a swig of the bourbon she poured into her water bottle. "I suppose we should be getting home."

"What's the rush?"

"Oh, I don't know; Our impending doom maybe?" She chuckled. "Or the fact that you need to get over this little fight with Niklaus already." He turned to face her with a furrowed brow. "Come on, Elijah. So he killed some vampire you were having sex with. You'll find another girl just like her in a century or two. Just forget-" Before she could finish he grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against the fence.

"Do not speak of her that way."

Hayley walked in. "Something the matter, Elijah?" She questioned with a mocking tone. After he let go of his sister she continued. "There's nothing you want to talk about? Like... The Strix?" When he didn't respond, Hayley began to read off a black card. "I do hope that you can come, old chum. Signed, Tristan." She waved the invitation in the air and gave him a look as he walked over to pluck the invite out of her hands. "I was picking up Hope when some vampire dropped it off. Here's yours, Kass. Is it just me or does Tristan like you?"

'You are cordially invited to an evening of exquisite excess. The Davilla Estate, 7041 St. Charles Avenue. Midnight. Ps: wear the dress I picked out especially for you, my dear.' Kass frowned deeply as she read her own personal note.

"It's nothing." She replied.

"You care to fill me in?"

Elijah began walking past Hayley. "This isn't your concern."

Hayley grabbed his arm. "Oh, but it is." She used her vampire speed and pinned him against the cage. "So, why don't you cut the protective macho crap and tell me what's going on. I'm part of this family too, Elijah. I thought you of all people would act like it."

"So, what do you want to know?"


Klaus and Freya were talking in the upstairs study at the Compound, when an annoyed Hayley walked in. Behind her, Elijah smiled amused along side
of his sister.

"Well, as long as we're talking attendance..."

"Oh, good!" Klaus cheered, "It's my not-so-loving older brother, my former one-night-stand, and my disappearing twin. What a nice, normal family gathering."

Hayley rolled her eyes and smiles fakely. "Charming. Elijah and Kass were just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill you."

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