Masquerade (Niall - one shot)

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One shot I wrote for my friend Emily. I hope this cheer you up a bit!


“Mum, seriously, do I need to go too?” She begged one more time looking at her mother with pleading eyes. The woman who resembled her pretty much just rolled her eyes as she walked towards her. She stopped only when they were face to face, putting her hands on the shoulders of the young girl.

“Yes, Emily, you have to. This is very important for your dad and he needs us to be with him tonight. Now, smile because you look gorgeous. That dress is magnificent!” The woman complemented and Emily just sighed.

She was tired and definitely not in the mood for a ball where everyone will be wearing masks. She wanted to be at home, crying over her break-up with Jeremy, her ex boyfriend. She hadn’t told her mother yet because she wasn’t ready. It still hurt to talk about him and what he did, she even avoided to think of him.

She turned around to take one last peek of her image. It was indeed a beautiful deep emerald dress that hugged her figure perfectly. The colour made her eyes sparkle through the mask she was wearing that covered just half of her face. It was a black complex design that imitated branches grabbing her face going into her short blonde hair that shined more than ever that night.

It was a ball given by the company in which her father worked and it was held every year in the same day, and the family of each employee was always invited if they were older than sixteen. That was Emily’s first party.

“Let’s go,” her mother urged her and Emily knew she couldn’t postpone the situation any longer. Before that day, she had been so excited for this ball, but after what happened in her high school that day nothing seemed appealing anymore.

They went outside the room and met with her father who just filled them both with compliments of how beautiful they looked. Emily smiled politely, trying to pretend to be happy but it was so difficult when she just wanted to go to her bed and cry there till the next day. But she couldn’t, she had a dance to attend.


He was in his way to the table where all the food was waiting and calling his name. The whole idea of a dance didn’t seem interesting for him, but once he heard free food he stopped complaining about having to attend. His mates were somewhere in the room, dancing with their dates or meeting new girls. They felt totally free due to that they were all wearing masks and no one would recognize them.

The room was packed, people of all ages but in his eyes, there was nothing more important than his food. At least until he saw her. She was beautiful, in a long green dress like the leaves of a forest, with a black and impressive mask that covered half of her face, her short blonde hair framed her face and she walked like she was wanted to disappear. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, who just could see the ground, apparently. He looked for her eyes because he wanted to prove what he believed: she was sad, she didn’t want to be there and he suddenly felt the urge to know why and to do something about it.

Forgetting about his food, he walked towards her when she was left alone in the room whilst her parents went to talk to other adults there. As he got closer, he could se that in fact she was sad, even more, she seemed miserable. When he saw her the first time she was trying to smile, but now that she was alone, there wasn’t any linger of that smile.

“Hi,” he said finally getting next to her. She looked up at him, surprised written all over her face and he felt like something hitting him when he met her green eyes. Those had to be the most beautiful eyes in the whole world and they seemed so sad that his own heart ached. “You okay?” he asked and she looked even more surprised. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just saw you and you seemed so sad and I just was wondering why. I’m Niall, by the way,” he added once he noticed that the girl just seemed confused.

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