Chapter 6

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Pyro's POV (Future POV)

I saw Etho running in like the night we thought he died, but this time he wasnt scared he was brave....

Etho's POV

I ran after the hanglider that carried Alexis farther and farther away from me. That was all I could care about honestly. I didnt care if they found out I was alive or if I died trying, I just need to save Alexis. I saw Pyro as I was running and I just yelled "FOLLOW THE HANG GLIDER!!!!" I kept going Pyro also running ahead of me to get to Alexis. Eventually his hang glider disappered into the trees, but we kept after him. I flew under weighed down trees and tree branches that stood in my way. Snow fell as Pyro jumped from tree to tree on top of me. "Pyro, Alexis!!!! Where are you!!!" I heard a familiar voice call. The snow from the trees stopped falling meaning Pyro had stopped. I heard a quiet voice say, "Find Alexis, I'll hold Daniel back." Then she took off. I ran now even harder to find Alexis. Soon I came into a clearing where a saw the hang glider laying with Alexis. I unstrapped him and ran now to hide. It was like I would never stop running. I ran from people, I ran to hide, I ran from my past, I run from everything, even love.

Pyro's POV

I was running now away from Daniel and from Etho. I felt lost I guess you could say. I didn't know what I should really do. I ran past Etho's Mountain, past a dark cave, and finally up onto the mountain. I climbed into Etho's cave and sat in front of the fire that burned low. I added more wood than Etho usually does and the cave lit up. I saw the stone staircase that Etho must always disappear to away from the world. I got up shivering the further I walked from the fire. I climbed the staircase into a room. It was giant all around, tall and had an exposed ceiling. In the middle sat a statue of a person that looked like Etho, but seemed more ominous and dark. I touched the cold stone of the statue and my world went into a blur from that point. Someone grabbed me and started to choke me. Slowly my world faded into a deep black.


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