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(Part Two)


I had first met Ophelia when she was a fresh vampire, new to the Underworld and new to her abilities. Always keen to entertain, even in her first role as a cleaner, the old bar manager knew there was something special about her.

It was just a shame that he decided to try to see if she felt the same way about him by forcing his feelings upon her, exposing the horrific scars on her back.

Needless to say, he didn’t survive to ask how she’d received the obscene injuries; she ripped his throat out, killing the overbearing vampire instantly.

However, Ophelia didn’t realise one of the customers had seen the incident and proceeded to blackmail her, just as I was entering the bar after a hard day at the office. Ripping her bodice to expose her secret, I held back my surprise and locked the door, cornering this opportunist.

His screams were muffled by my hand as she drove the stake straight through his heart and begged me to keep her secret. ‘I won’t tell anybody - but please tell me how it happened…’ I asked feeling an unfamiliar sense of pity for this usually strong and powerful vampire.

She explained that her father used to whip her when she refused to marry the men he had arranged for her; many of them were three times her age and usually the deal was not for love but to pay off his debts. One day - returning home from the market - one of the suitors found her walking in the woods and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

She struggled to escape, but he was too strong for her and pinned her to the floor, informing her of who he was and that she was lucky to have someone like him wanting her.

His breath invaded the pores of her rosy cheeks; she let out one more scream and prayed for her dead mother to help her. The call was answered - but not by her loving mother, but instead by a strange, slim man.

He jumped down from the tree and threw the man into the distance.

He held his hand out and helped her to her feet as she thanked him profusely before he begged her to run home, for the blood seeping from the cuts and scratches she’d received from the sharp twigs and rocks on the ground was starting to make him twinge.

Bolting the door as soon as she arrived home, she told her father what had happened. But, instead of being supportive and sympathetic to the appalling act which had just occurred, he lashed her twenty times with the whip for being defiant and bringing shame on the family name.

The lashes hurt more than before. The pain of not having someone to avenge her abuser added to each strike. She refused to scream. Instead, the anger she was experiencing, which was building by the second, was let out in her tears.

Getting tired, he got to the twentieth lashing and stopped.

She fell to the floor and landed in a pool of her own blood, drifting in and out of consciousness. Her father shrieked. Furniture flew around the room and cracks and snaps pierced the air.

Then, finally, silence filled the cold, wooden cottage as she was elevated from the floor and entered a realm of darkness.

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***If you cannot wait for me to update this story EVERY FRIDAY, the full book is available to purchase on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo and iBooks***

The Orcus Games: Mistress V (Book 2 in The Orcus Games Trilogy) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now