Chapter 3

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Brandon's fine tail at the top


"Dude are you serious?", Brandon asked.

"As the plague.", Johnny said still staring at me and waiting for my reaction.

"Um it's my first day I just met you guys can't I get to know you first.", I answered.

"Your gonna have to choose.", Brandon said.

"Fine i'll go by myself.", I said taking a sip of my drink.

" Oh no your not. There are a bunch of creeps out there who would probably start a bad reputation for you. I've gotta protect you from them.", Johnny said with a sly grin.

"I'm a big girl I can handle myself.", I said sending a smirk his way.

" Can you atleast choose by this Thursday the party is on Friday.", Brandon pleaded.

"Fine...just don't get angry when I choose.", I said pointing my finger at both of them.

"Fine.", Johnny said.

"Let's shake on it.", Brandon said holding out his hand. Johnny eyed it for a while and before he went to shake his hand Johnny spit on his. Brandon rolled his eyes but shook it anyway.

"That is completely and utterly disgusting.", I said watching them wipe their hands off.

"That's just how we keep promises.", Johnny said putting arm around me.

"Oh no,no,no!", I said picking up his hand with my thumb and index finger and whipping out some Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer with the other hand.

Brandon and Johnny went into a laughing fit . He just spit into his hand what was I supposed to do sit there?

"Oh god I officially love this girl.", Johnny said between laughs.

"This is gonna be a great year.", Brandon agreed.

"What did I miss?", Derrik said confused taking a seat next to Brandon.

"Nothing much man ,nothing much.", Johnny said flexing his arm around me. I hope these guys are right.


Sadexx here!!!

Ew they are disgusting. Haha but it's okay. Decisions , Decisions for Sierra. Who do you think she'll pick? Well this is where the drama beginsss!!


Śâdęxx out!!!!!


I Am Sierra Carter (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now