Ghetto Baby

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"Darlin'? Your phone is ringing." FP called to Harper from the living room. Harper shuffled out, wrapped in one of FP's flannels, of the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand.

"Who is it?" She asked as she collapsed on the couch next to him. He put his arm around her and handed it to her. It was Betty. She frowned slightly and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hello? Betty?" Harper said. She heard heavy breathing on the other line and the sound of running feet.

"Harper! We found Polly! And we found evidence about Jason!" Betty spurted out. Harper sat up straight and pressed the phone harder against her ear.

"What? What are you talking about? Who's we?" Harper could barely contain herself her stomach flip flopped inside her. She stood up and began pacing around the small trailer as FP watched her. There was not much room to pace so she walked between the bedroom and the living room steadily.

"Jug and I, we figured out where my parents stashed her! She was at this group home called Sisters of Quiet Mercy." Betty said and then paused, "Harper she didn't try and kill herself like they said, she's pregnant. Did you know?" Harper's breath hitched in her throat. Technically she only overheard Jason say that she was, it's not like Polly told her. So she wasn't lying if she said no, right?

"No." Harper stumbled slightly over her lie, they were beginning to eat away at her, but had also become easier to spew out.

"She is. And Harper, she didn't know about Jason. She completely broke when I told her." Betty's voice shook on the other end of the phone. Harper heard Jughead comforting her quietly.

"It's okay Bets." Harper smiled hearing his words, so much like his father.

"You said you learned more about Jason?" Harper asked. FP perked up at the mention of Jason Blossom, the boy who haunted him nightly. The boy whose cold dead face he saw when he shut his eyes.

"We found the getaway car he stashed for him and Polly to get away in! All their stuff was in it along with some drugs. There might be evidence in there to lead us to his killers!" Harper's stomach dropped. She turned and looked at FP wide eyed and began to shake her head rapidly at him. She knew he would get mad it she interfered with business, but she didn't care anymore. Her place was with him and she wouldn't take no for an answer. Not this time. Not again.

"You did? Where was it?" She needed to probe Betty for information to save their skins. FP got off the couch and walked closer to Harper frowning slightly, wondering what was being said. He reached out and stroked her hair and she leaned into his touch, Harper's breath quickened. Betty and Harper were both being comforted by the Jones men at the same moment over the same matter.

"It's at the old Blossom Maple Farm on Rout 40. We're going to Sheriff Keller's and bring him to the car. Look I have to go. I'll call you tonight!" Betty's call dropped with a click. Harper let the phone fall from her ear as she turned slowly and looked at FP, her face ashen.

"What is it?" FP said. She couldn't speak. He put his hands on her shoulders, "Come on, Harper what is, it what happened?" He shook her slightly, fear pouring out of him like sweat.

"They found it." She whispered.

"Found what Harper." FP couldn't have imagined what she would say next.

"They found Jason's getaway car. The one you gave him. With the drugs in the back." She could barely choke the words out. FP began to step back and shake his head, his hands went in and out of clenched fists slowly.

Darlin' ~ FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now