Kill Kill

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The pair split apart from each other once FP parked at the River. FP went into the woods and Harper walked down to the path to the river where everyone else was. She found Archie standing with his dad, in his Semi-formal outfit from the night before. His face was ashen.

"Kev and Moose found him." He muttered to her.

"Shit." She whispered.

"He has a bullet hole in his head Harper." Archie looked at her now, fear kissed his face. The scene was a grotesque one. Grey water, a grey body, grey sky, and grey families all around. She began to feel sick.

"He was murdered? Jughead was right." She whispered, peeking over her shoulder to where Jughead stood. She saw too much of his father in him. He stood brooding over the water, his hands in his pockets. He glanced at her.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, beginning to fear the worst. She turned from the families that scattered the shoreline and backed into the woods. She turned and began to run away from it all. Away from the horrors. FP waited and watched for her and emerged when he saw her coming alone.

"Hey Harper are you okay?" He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. To his surprise, she flinched. Harper shook her head, beginning to cry.

"FP what happened what did you do!" She yelled a little too loudly. He stomach churned.

"Shh shh please be quiet!" He glanced over her shoulder up the path to make sure no one was coming.

"FP answer me what happened to Jason!" She shoved his hand off her shoulder. The man looked at her, his face getting white. She began to pull away from him.

"I didn't do anything I promise!" He said desperately grabbing at her.

"Then how the hell did he end up in the river with a bullet hole in his head?" She growled, looking up at the man she no longer felt that she knew.

"I don't know what happened, Harper. I don't know. Please you gotta believe me, I didn't kill that kid." His eyes pleaded with him. She frowned and grit her teeth.

"Fine. I'm going home." She walked around him and began down the path. He ran up next to her.

"Can I take you home at least?" He asked. She shook her head violently, she needed time and space to think – to think if her boyfriend, 40 years her senior, was not only a notorious gang member but if he was also a murderer.

"No, I'd prefer to walk." She hurried to get away from him. He stopped walking and watched her go. He turned back to go to his truck but was stopped in his tracks by the person behind him.

"Dad? What are you bothering Harper for?" His son glared at him, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I wanted to see if she needed a ride home, she seemed pretty woozy." He lied. Jughead frowned slightly.

"Well I'm sure the scene down there freaked her out, I'm surprised you took any notice to her though. What are you doing here anyway?" Jughead asked. His father shrugged.

"I needed to come down and check it out." He said. The boy scoffed.

"Right, so that you can go back to your serpent clan and tell them all the gory details. No wonder mom left you." He growled.

"Don't you dare bring her up. She abandoned us and took Jellybean with her." FP's voice shook slightly and his throat tightened up around his words, squeezing his vocal chords.

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