the evil ones

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Hello fellow Wattpadians.

Welcome to the dark side...


Today I shall be ranting about fans... And yes, I do mean Directioners. And, for once, I'm going to be serious.

Let's face it, many of us are Directioners, including me. Now, it's good to be a Directioner, in fact, they're so honorable that their name is freaking capitalized.

Directioners are amazing; they support the boys, buy their music, and make them happy.

Most of the time.

This is where my problem comes in. Some Directioners make the boys unhappy, which totally beats the purpose of being a Directioner. I call these Directioners the evil ones. And, no their name is not capitalized, because they don't deserve their name to be capitalized.


To the evil ones:

You know that sending hate to the girlfriends won't do anything good, right? It's common sense. Not only does hating on the girls hurt them, but it also hurts you. If you're jealous of the girls, you send hate, which surely won't get you any closer to any of the boys. Then, they'll be disappointed, and nobody wants that.  You send hate to Sophia, Barbara, Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor because you're jealous. Jealous of their happiness with the boys. So why destroy it? Why be the one to make their day worse? Why not be the one to make it better? No one deserves any hate. Think: How would you feel if the girls said horrible things to you, just as you do to them? Remember the Golden Rule: "Teat others the way you want to be treated." It's so true. The girls are so kind to us, and they deserve kindness back to them. They don't deserve any of the hate they get. In fact, no one does. Just because the girls are famous doesn't mean they don't have feelings. They're just like us. Dating the boy they love. You don't get worldwide hate because you're dating the person you love, and neither should they.

Remember when the hashtag 'Dieperrie' was trending on twitter? Well, that's just stupid. Every single person who helped to make that hashtag trending is simply horrific. It just makes me so mad, these people who send freaking death wishes to amazing people. Perrie surely had to be sad when she saw it. Think: You made someone's day bad. You made someone feel like shit. You made someone freaking hurt. The hate she gets is already too much, but death threats, no. Just no. Stop the hate.


I swear, if one more hate hashtag trends on Twitter, I will freaking get my lazy ass off my couch and punch every single hater in the face. I will also create a Twitter and make all good hashtags trend. Perrie is an amazing person, heck, she's one of my biggest role models. So are Eleanor, Danielle, and Sophia. When they got hate, they didn't hate back, they just said something witty back, or ignored it. This quality is admirable, and I'm so proud of them, for even though they were hurt, and probably still are, they don't give up on us fans. They don't believe that every single one of us fans is bad. And it's true; some of us respect the boy's choices. Some of us don't hate. So, true Directioners, lets team up and kick the asses of every evil one. Let's support the girls like they deserve to be supported.

Eleanor, Perrie, Danielle, Sophia, and Barbara: FIGHTING! WE LOVE YOU!

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