End of World Tour and something exciting!

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Frank Pov 

The end of my World Tour has ended but i got a strange feeling that i was being followed after i finished my Japan Tour. i felt unease and i had my security upgrade with 4 more guys, but still i felt unsafe. i was over the pacific when i heard the news that my ex husband hired a hitman to kill me i didnt know that it would be him. All of this over a film i made, which called him out on his cheating and humiliated him to the entire world, but is it really worth it to end my life over something small. As of now, i am in my room and discovered that i was pregnant with my first child and i was an emotional reck. I wasnt going to lose this child again. I had to break the news to my husband Nate and my management. 

"Nate babe come over here" i said as he was outside watering the grass

"whats up babe?" he asked coming to me

"Well i guess you should get started on a nursery" i said eagerly

"What do you mean? youre not pregnant are you?"

i just smiled and nodded, the look on his face changed from confused to happy


I had told my management about my pregnancy and asked them to keep it on the down low and i dont want stress to be added when im pregnant. I have enough as it is. 

Glad i was that i didnt have appearances for the rest of the year and i could spend wisely on raising my child. So much things had to be comleted for the arrival of the child. I made an appoitment to the doctor and she told me i was 5 weeks along. 

How did i feel about this? i really dont know, lately ive been feeling down i dont know why. i felt great during the Tour and now that its over, everyday felt more darker and darker. i hoped it wasnt something but i dont have a reason to go to the hospital. 



Today was such a disaster nothing went how i wanted it to go but now it was nighttime and i could finally get some rest. I tried to put up a big smile for the longest but as soon as my husband came in with the wrong food i told him to get, we got in a big fight and all over food like honestly i dont know why its so hard for his peanut head to comprehend that i dont chinese i wanted a burger but being me a bitch, i thought he could read my mind and go get a burger but it went south so quickly. I began to throw things at him trying to hurt him but i got hurt cause i accidently hit myself on the head with a pot, i sobbed like a child. 

I went to the doctors and he hold me that i had Depression and that could affect the child in Pre-Term Delivery and low Infant weight, knowing my child will be born early scared me half to death. I havent told anybody because it was none of their business but i had to tell Nate and he would make it into such a huge thing, although it was he would exaggerate a lot and it made me pissed off at him but darn his cute face and smile that sex would usually fix this feeling of hate towards him. 



I woke up with water surrounding my private area, i woke up nate by slapping his cheeck and him looking down at the water and knew what was about to happen. The greatest days of our lives was coming today but maybe tomorrow depending on when she wants to get out. 


Looking at her made my face light up with happiness something i havent felt during these 9 months. The birth hurt so much, i knew i had to chop off nates dick for putting me through so much pain. 

How did the media know i was pregnant? well, after the tour i went into the shadows and some were suspicious as to why i went in the dark after a successful album and tour. When i was about 7 months with my baby girl, the Grammy's was coming up and i went to give a show and it wasnt that bad but i couldve done better in my opinion.  I won 5 Grammy's and i was happy then as i am now. I couldn't of asked for a better life, my sister was 10 now turning 11 in January as me and she was happy to meet her niece. She had to wait in the waiting room with my team as they were excited as well to meet her.

I asked the hospital to give me an entire floor and they agreed with me, when i was going to give birth i had to go through a secret entrance where nobody knew about. As i was watching her they all came in and 'Awwed' together. Well this is going to change my life forever and i hope i would have more kids with Nate. 



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