Super Bowl?

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After larry left, i got a call from my manager saying that i should go over to his office, it was a short drive but i had to see what he wanted.

i got in my car and left the house to Hank's office 

i opened the door to his office and saw many men in their suits who turned their eyes towards me. i asked...

"Hey hank! what's up?"

"Frank Baby, How have you been?"

"Good hank never better" i lied " So what did you want to meet me for?"

"Frank these men here are going to ask you for a big decision"

i just nodded

"Hello Frank, we just love you and your music especially your dance moves" he smiled

" Thank you Mr...?"

"Call me Fred, Fred Stone"

"Well Fred, thank you so much for your amazement in my music and career. So what did you guys want to ask me?"

" Frank how would you like to perform at the Super Bowl next year in Febuary?"

i was shocked and couldnt move, this was my dream to perform at the Super bowl along with beyonce.

" A MILLION TIMES YES I WOULD LOVE TO" i started jumping up and down

"Well frank, im glad you accepted the offer and who would you like to perform with?"

i immediatly blurted out "BEYONCE!!!!!"

Fred covered his ears and i said 'sorry' which he smiled

"Well frank well be having our meeting every week until the Super bowl is that ok?'

i nodded 

"Ok that was the meeting and now we can make it official now, michael tell the media that Frank is going to perform next year, will ya"

He nodded

Fred left along with the others and i was just so hapy and excited. 

i said thanks to Hank before leaving

This day couldn't get any worse i thought to myself...

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