Is she with me now?

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Frank POV

After I woke up and saw that my little sister was here, I didn't know what to do or say. I haven't seen her since she was in my birth givers womb, I'm guessing she's like 9years old? Maybe who knows.

"Ok, well tell me about yourself mary?" I said

Hank and Larry left so we can talk, they decided to put up another post about me being alive once more and such

"Well for starters, I'm your biggest fan and I listen to your music everyday" she said happily, I just smiled

"Well what about your parents Mary? Are they with you?" I asked hoping they weren't here

"No, they left me here with you. I was crying a lot when I saw the news so I asked them to drop me off at the hospital and I wondered around the hospital to find you and finally after a while I saw you here in this room"

I sighed they weren't here but they left her? That's not good parenting in my opinion.

"So, they just left you here alone? Are you gonna go back to them?" I asked

"No, I told them I wanted to live with you and they packed my suitcase and I left it in the lobby" she said tears trying to come out.

I was about to cry too now I had to deal with my little sister and a husband who shot me. Great my life turned out to be, she was going to live with me and I thought about all the good things that will come out of us living together.


1 week later

I had to stay here at the hospital for a week and it was hell, they basically repeated the same shit everyday and I was about to shoot myself. I was able to go home but knowing my status and what happened the paparazzi is going to be outside to get pictures of me. I asked hank to setup a tent surrounding the car so no one can get a picture. I was going to post one on Instagram later when I felt better.


I posted a picture on Instagram when I felt better and I also updated my fans on my status on the World Tour. I was still going to do it but I pushed it back a few months.

The caption read:

"I can be a beast or I can give you emotion but don't question my devotion"

Immediately It went viral, my fans being fans asked if I was good and made at my husband for shooting me.
I honestly felt like I was ok with the situation, my husband is going to prison for 15 years and i couldn't be happier that he was going to be there for a long time.

I continued to practice my dance moves for the tour and I was a little rusty from the hospital but I felt more
Alive. My practice ends around 8pm and everybody was worrying about my safety but I had my body guards protecting me.


The start of my tour was coming up and I was anxious about how the public was going to react. My loving husband Nate, was supportive during all the months and I was glad that we can spend the rest of our lives together. My little sister was glad that she lived with me, she became a hit when we came around paparazzi and she was a natural when it came to them taking pictures of her.


The first concert is today and I couldn't be more nervous, the fans demanded for tour dates but I was going to be tired of the world tour but promised next year I will continue the tour again, I had my set list with me and sang all the songs in the stadium.

My first stop is in the Honda Center in Anaheim, my hometown, then Staples center, Levi stadium, then the cities we hit were going to be Houston,Portland,New Orleans, New York City, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta,Phoenix, Seattle, Las Vegas, Austin, and Denver. That doesn't look like a lot but in each I'm performing in different stadiums and that will take 5 months to complete the North American Tour, next on the list was Europe. That will take another 6 months to compete. Almost a year on tour and visiting these amazing counties will be a handful but I'm determined to finish them all.....

Should I skip to the end of his a tour?
Thoughts? Opinions?


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