a second player?: Michael x Jeremy(BMC)

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(My art)
I watched ,from awfar,as my favorite person in the world played some zombie game he just bought. His dark brown locks was the only thing of him I could see,since I was on a shelf,on a wall behind him,but it was still a sight I love seeing. You see,I'm just a simple small borrower,who fell head over heels with a human. Ridiculous you might say,but I love him. My parents even left me alone in this house when I told them I loved the giant." He'll kill you without a single notice!" They said. Well he was always careful. He evened sometimes would purpously leave food out,thinking I was a small mouse looking for it.He didn't seem to mind I took stuff,and he wasn't one to be angry. He seemed chill and loving. Soft and warm. But I would be scared if he found out I exsisted,let alone my feelings for him.

Even though I liked the giant,doesn't mean I'm not anxious about his reaction to me. He could turn me into a pet,or a lab experiment. I don't want that! So for now,I'm just dropping hints. Then when I'm ready,I'll show myself.

I sighed,leaning back onto a book stored on the shelf I sat on. I focused my gaze on the handsome human,watching him yell at the screen when it turned red,reading the words "Game over". I chuchkled at his reactions to certain things,such as gaining an upgrade or dying. It was amusing. I felt at peace,at home and I wouldn't have it any other wa-


I widened my eyes,turning my head to the hissing sound. I gasped,putting my hands over my mouth to not scream. A giant hairy spider was making its way to me,its eyes hungry for prey. I jumped up to my full height and started climbing up to the next shelf. Then,the spider crawled up to the book I was climbing,pinning me down. I let out a scream,my world focusing on my life and this spider. I tried kicking it away,but to no use. It started to drag me down,to the bottom shelf,where I assumed was where its web was. I felt tears sting in my eyes,as I tried getting my ankle out of its mouth,but its jaw only tightened around it,making me flintch and yelp. No no no,thus can't be happening. I was just happy a few seconds ago. I couldn't be on the verge of death!! I tried grabbing onto a nail that held the shelf onto the wall,trying to pull away from the spider. I shut my eyes,pulling my leg with all my force,till the spider finally let go. It scurried off,not wasting time. Wait,why'd it leave so quickly? I felt a shadow loom over me,and I widened my eyes. No...

When I turned I saw big beautiful brown chocolate eyes gazing down at me. I couldn't breathe. I was paraloized where I sat,I couldn't move from shock. "Woah,your so small..." I herd his angelic voice say. I fumbled on my words,not being able to lay out a sentence. I just gulped down my mouth and felt my body give out,as my vision went black.

"Mom! Dad! I made up my mind,I'm going to tell you!" I huffed,catching my parent's attention. "Yes what is it?" My mom asked. "I'm bisexual..."

"Bisexu-what?" My mom asked. My dad whispered the meaning and my mom "ooh" ed. "Yeah,OK,and what about it?" She asked." Do you like anyone!?!" She smiled,looking over at my dad who grinned." Michael.. The human that owns this house..I like him.." I said plainly. My mom nearly fainted. "The human!!!" My dad yelled. I nodded." He'd kill us if he saw us,he'd kill you!!!" I shrugged. "I just like him,there's no harm in loving.." My dad gasped,yelling at me,and started arguing with me.

Then they left me.

Alone with this human..

The only human or person to make me feel butterflies in my stomach.

The only person to steal my heart......

Wake up

Wake up

"Please wake up...don't be dead..."

I shot up,my eyes wide and my mouth gaping for air. I looked around,seeing nothing out of the ordinary till I noticed the giant presence above me. I looked up,seeing his tanish skin glow,his worried expression making me feel giddy. "Your awake!!" He jumped up in his seat,smiling. But his voice was so loud I flintched. He noticed and whispered a sorry. "Please don't faint again,I'm sorry if I startled you..." He said adjusting me onto his palm. WAIT!! IM BEING HELD BY HIM!! Oh god!!

I nodded,feeling my face heat up as he brought me closer to his gorgeous face. He adjusting his glasses,grinning down at me." So,your the one who takes my food aren't you? Not that I'm complaining..." He chuckled,making me blush in embarrassment. I nodded quickly,looking down at his hand,where I sat. "I'm glad I caught you in time,before that spider had you for lunch!" He joked. I giggled,nodding. He gasped,which made me look back up at him. "You have such a nice laugh.." He very quietly said,but I herd. My face lit up at that. He liked my laugh!! "Anyways! My names Michael,what's your name? Can you...speak?" He asked,tucking some hair behind his ear. I nodding again,for like the hundredth time, and spoke up,my voice cracking." M-My name's Jeremy.." I stated, looking down at my hands. "Jeremy...Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy...I like it!"

The way he said my name felt right. I smiled stupidly,feeling myself fall in love all over again.

"So... How long have you been here in my house..? And how old are you?" Michael asked,bringing my mind back to reality. "Oh u-um.. I've been he-here for two years and I'm about 17? I-I lost count at 13..." I breathed,shocked I didn't remember my age. I guess it went away when mom said I was too old for birthday parties. Which was just a small crumb of bread with the whole family singing 'happy birthday'. No giant party. No friends. No gifts.

"Cool,I'm 17 as well!" Michael exclaimed,standing up from the couch. Startled,I quickly hugged one of Michael's fingers."Woah! Sorry.." He apologized." I-its fine,where are y-you taking me?" I asked,growing worried of his actions." To the kitchen,you must be hungry! Isn't that why you came out?" He raised a brow,making his way to the kitchen. I blushed red. No. I was stalking you,you beautiful breath taking-

"Pop tarts or grapes?" Michael asked. I shrugged,not really caring. He reached above him to a cabinet with many food products. He took a silver packet,opening it and revealing some toasted bread with frosting. He broke a chunk off and handed it to me. "There you go!" He smiled,as I grabbed the crumb. I brought it up to my mouth,taking a bite. THIS IS aMAZING!!! I widened my eyes,taking bite after bite till it was gone in seconds. Michael giggled above me,making me ask why he was giggling. He simply replied," You ate that thing in like 2 seconds!" I shrugged,smiling." May I-I have more..?" I asked." Yeah sure,I'll just take us to my room so I can lay down..." He grinned,walking to his room. Apon entering,I saw all his posters,his desk with many cassettes. His bed as messy as always. Then there was his video game collection in the closet,which was wide open." Sorry,I'm not the cleanist..." He chuckled nervously. I giggled as well,feeling him sit on his desk chair. He let me down on the desk in front of him,looking at me intently. I blushed,looking up at him as well as our eyes meet. He lays his head on the desk,still eyeing me. I grinned,getting up from my spot and got closer to his face. I could feel his breathing at this point and touched the tip of his nose. He giggled at my touch,chasing me to giggle as well. I then proceeded to lay on his nose,snuggling up to it. My parents where wrong. Michael was a good guy,he couldn't hurt a fly. At Least I have him to myself..

I felt giant eyes on me as I leaned into the giant. I felt a smile form on his face,his arms now on the desk,around his head and myself." You know,your a lot cuter up front.." He flirted. I was beat red at this point,and I tried hiding my face. He snickered,his fingers grazing over my back. I sat down,moving over to one of his cheeks. His fingers slowly went up and down my back,comforting me. I felt my eyes go heavy,and I couldn't be any happier.

My most favorite person in the world held me close,and finally knew I exist.

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