Fishy Outlook: Charel x Tony

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Charel swimed his way over to a very small opening of a cave. This should be good enough to hide in,he thought. He hurried inside,looking out into the vast ocean,seeing his predetor looking around,trying to find him. Charel,gulped as he saw "Nick" sniffing around looking for the small merman. Nick then straightened his gaze onto the cave opening Charel was in. He smirked,spotting him. Charel,on the other hand grew nervous,going deeper into the cave,till his back hit a fluffy surface. He looked behind him. He saw shiny locks of hair swaying in the water. The tiny merman swam around the hair and spotted what seemed to be skin. Oh no.

Charel gasped,realizing there was an even bigger merman,sleeping in the cave . wait! That means there's a bigger opening,which means another exit!


Charel looked over his shoulder,spotting Nick banging on the cave,causing some rocks to fall from the ceiling. He was going to bring the whole cave down. Charel widened his eyes,looking around for the other exit,till he felt that Nick stopped banging onto the cave. Smiling,Charel had one less obstacle to overcome. That is,until he felt something,or someone breathing down his neck. He turned slowly,facing the piercing eyes of the bigger merman. He was way bigger than Nick,and could squash him with a flick of his finger.

Charel began to stutter,trying to explain himself,but couldn't. His mouth was dry,despite all the sea water surrounding him. He grew anxious,feeling heavy as the giant stared him down. He gulped,hugging himself,biting his lip nervously.""he got cut off." You where being chased by weren't you?"

Charel widened his eyes,not expecting such a beautiful voice. It was deep,but at the same time high and feminine. It held strength and power,but also lonliness. He shook his head,then nodded at what the giant merman thought." Y-yes I wa-was... I'm s-sorry I dis-disturbed you.." The small fish bowed,trying to show respect for the bigger fish. Tony rolled his eyes,laying back down on the sandy floor." Well he might still be after you,so I'll allow you to stay awhile while you wait till he gives up." Tony said,shutting his eyes closed,wanting to head back to a peaceful sleep. Charel grinned thanking the other over and over again. Though,he already fell asleep. The slightly younger merman sighed,swimming closer to the shark like merman. He laid near his head and arms,snuggling into the warm sand. He shut his eyes as well and began to snore away. Tony peered down at the smaller one with one eyes open,smiling to himself. He then shut his eyes again,placing a hand on top of Charel in a protective manner.

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