Act Seven, Scene Two

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Trigger Warning: suicide

Any names used in this chapter are fictional and any connection to real people is purely coincedence.

Third Person POV (the house)

The wind blows outside. Jasper sits inside Taylor's room with Jayden and Taylor. The three are quietly watching videos on their phones. This was a typical Saturday night; sitting around doing their separate things in the same room. 

Their phones all buzz. It's a notification saying their mother had started a live video. Odd. Thinking it a mistake, Taylor ignores it. Jayden focuses on whatever he was doing, also ignoring the notification. Jasper however clicks on the banner, taking his phone to the app.

The first thing he sees is Kayleigh Argyris standing on the railing of a balcony overlooking a city.


Third Person POV (the hotel)

Kayleigh Argyris stands on the railing on the thirty-second floor of a hotel balcony. Her long dark hair flutters in the wind. She stares impassively at the camera of her phone.

"Hello." She starts. "My name is Kayleigh Argyris. I am a forensic psychologist. I am thirty four years old. I am married to the most wonderful woman and have three children." She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "And to those that I love, for all it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be the woman you wanted me to be. I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife, daughter, friend, or sister you needed me to be." She takes a breath. "I'm most sorry I couldn't be the mother I should've been. I turned out to be a revenge-driven workaholic. I'm so sorry that I was a failure." She smiles sadly at the camera, before her smile fades into a hard, flat glare. "Tonight I will be telling you who killed me." She lets out a breath. "When I was very young, I was happy. But not for long, you see, because I was put into a prestigious school young. In school, the competition was extreme, but I beat out that competition. I was often lonely because of this; I had no friends, and my only hobby was studying. By the time I hit middle school, the students around me shunned me. I was a freak, I was a nerd, I was an outcast. But I didn't care. However, it got worse. My things disappeared. I was cut out of activites. I did not let it bother me, until the one day I heard the rumours. The rumours, oh the rumours. Do you remember those rumours, Alexis Montgomery and Adriana Kidd? I sure do. What did you say, dearies? That I slept with teachers to get good grades, hm? I knew you started them, you damn bitches. But I'm sure you know that. You still have those scars right across your pretty little faces that I gave you, don't you? Or do you wear too much makeup for me to see your skin like you did when you were 14 years old? I got into trouble for hurting you, you know. But you two sluts were never in trouble for hurting me. Were they, Principal Erika Johnson? Don't you want to know what happened to me after that? My parents sent me to a private boarding school and sent my friend to watch me. She was two years older than me, making her 16. At this school, I was laughed at for the things I wanted to do. I wanted to be a forensic pyschology since I was ten years old. Scorned for why I was sent here, because I 'brutally attacked two innocent girls.' I hated you; I hated you all so much. Yet I hated the people here even more. Katy Everill, Carson Smith, Jason Croft, Angel Flipse, Bella Marinos, and so many more. You five were the main people who made my life miserable. Yet I swallowed everything you gave me the best I could, until I just couldn't take it. I attempted suicide so many times you wouldn't even believe it; all those absences you never noticed, you never cared about. I graduated highschool at 17 years old, years before many of you dumbasses, progressing through college and earning my PhD when I turned 25 years old. I got my job and married my beautiful wife Amelia, but everything I had been through still affected me. Still affects me. I hate you. I hate you all so much. I hate you. I hate you! I HATE YOU! FUCK YOU! YOU RUINED ME! YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE, YOU GOD FORSAKEN MONSTERS!"

The woman's breathing grows more and more eratic, her eyes unnaturally large. 

"It's your fault. IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M THIS WAY!" she screams. "And now it's my turn to ruin you." Her voice grows quiet. 

"It's your fault."


Third Person POV (the house)

Jasper cannot make a single sound as he stares in horror at the dark haired young woman as she rattles off a long list of names, her voice growing louder and louder, hate and rage filling each syllable she uttered. He could not say a word, and he could not stop her. Nothing could stop her. 
Silent tears roll down Jasper's face, causing Taylor to give him a fleeting glance of worry.

"And now that I have surpassed you all, my name is known by the public. And now you shall see the destruction of your actions, and I hope you are punished. I hate you."

She begins to tip backward. 

"I hate you. I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU!"

The world around her flies past quickly, the camera catching glimpses of city lights, unable to focus completely on the woman's beautiful face. 


Her voice is cut off with a sickening crunch as her body hits the ground, shattering the bones in her body, killing her instantly. The sound of his mother's body hitting concrete would haunt the poor boy forever. The phone camera faces the sky, the camera damaged enough to leave a crack in the middle of the film. You see people's faces as they surround the woman. The camera moves as someone picks it up, accidently flipping the camera a few times, before it stops and settles on the body of Kayleigh Argyris. Her body is twisted at an awkward angle, her face frozen in a soundless scream of hate, her eyes still open. A thin trickle of blood creates a small pool of sticky, dark red substance at the base of her neck and head, soaking into her dark hair. 

Jasper lets out an ear piercing scream and faints. 

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