Act Two, Scene Two

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Kayleigh POV

My fingers tighten on the steering wheel as I pull into the parking lot of Jayden's school. 

Another fight? Suspended? What hasn't Amélia been telling me?

I sigh and compose myself before entering the school. I look out of place among the highschool students; a tall, composed, well dressed woman walking the opposite way of young children. I may not look it, but I am 34 years old (at least Amelia says I look really young; says her, she looks as if she could blend in here with the highschoolers). 

I knock sharply on the door of Principal's office. 

"This is Kayleigh Argyris. May I enter?"

"Yes please."

I enter the room. Jayden looks up at me with surprise written on his face. 

"So I am to understand that there has been a fight?"

"Ah, yes." The balding man, who I assume to be the principal, looks at me funny. "Are you sure you're his... mother?"

"Yes. My name is Kayleigh Argyris. I am 34 years old. I am a forensic psychologist, and a busy one at that; so may I just take my son home please? I have an urgent case to attend to right now, and the only reason I am here is because apparently my wife cannot come. "

"... if you could just check him out in the lobby..."


"So is there something I should know about happening in school, Jayden?" I ask calmly. 

"No." He replies.

"Nothing. No fights, stupidity, nonsense, none."


"Well if that's how it's going to be, I may as well return to work now."


"I was planning on staying at home for a short time, but I guess it is not necessary. "




"Alright, you know what the rules are." I start towards the door.


I pause. "Is there something you need?"

"C-can't you stay?"

"No, I need to work."


I turn my head back. Jayden stares at me pleadingly. "What?"


"I have to work. I told them I'd be back by 11, no later." I check my watch. "I left at 9:30. It's 10:15, I need to go."

"You can't stay with your son for fifteen minutes? I know it doesn't take 45 minutes to get to your work! We moved so that you could come home eariler and spend more time with you! But it didn't change anything!"

"..." My harsh gaze softens as I feel my heart crack a little. "I'm a busy person. I have a reputation to uphold. I can't afford to be late."

"... It takes 12 minutes for you to get to your office without traffic. If traffic is shit, then it takes 23 minutes at most. That means that you'd get to work around 10:38. You said you didn't need to be there until 11. If you stayed fifteen minutes, the latest you would get to work is 11:53."

"We just wasted 3 minutes. I need to go."

"You don't! Just stay a little bit! 5 minutes!"

"You're not a child, Jayden!" I raise my voice slightly. 

"But is that really true?" his voice cracks.

"You're half your Maman's age. You aren't a child anymore. Jasper is a child. You are not. It isn't as if I would stay with Jasper either."


"..." I turn away to hide my face.

"But we need you! You favour Taylor because he's smart, but what about me? You don't care about me because I'm stupid, I cause trouble, I get into fights, I'm no good in school, I waste money, I'm tempermental, I'm stubborn, and I'm not good enough for you!"

I put my hand on the doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open a crack. "If that's really what you think, fix it."

I exit, closing and locking the door.

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