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Luke spent the whole day out rehearsing with the band, I just woke up to see him closing the door before leaving. I've slept in the living room, probably because I was so tired. I didn't do much during the day besides resting, as I had promised myself last night, and thinking. Well, I've drank some old vodka that I had as well, but that's not very relevant.

And by thinking all day, I've came up with a conclusion: I’m tired of thinking. That's just exhausting. I decided that from now on I’m gonna do whatever I feel like doing, the consequences come later, and later I can worry about them.

It’s starting to get dark when Luke calls me.

“Hailey, wanna come over?” His voice sounds kinda muffled on the other line.

“To your place?” I ask, suspicious.

“Yeah, Mike and another few friends are here as well, just chilling”

“At your place?” I ask again.

“Yeah, but it’s kinda lame in here without you”

“Luke, how the fuck did you put a few friends in there? Your place is amazingly small”

“It’s not like people are dancing Hailey, we’re just smoking and drinking” He explains, probably rolling his eyes on the other side.

“Well, why do you want me there? I don’t know any of these boys besides Mike”

“You’re not supposed to be with them, you’re supposed to be with me”

“You’re so possessive” I mock, making him laugh.

“That’s cause I know you like it” He jokes back.

“Okay, wait for me then, I’m on my way”

I hang up the phone and put some clothes on, it’s not like I’m gonna make any effort to look my best to go over to Luke’s place though. I simply put on a black tank top and my high waisted short with All Star and go out. Luke’s place is not very near mine, but I didn’t feel like taking the subway, I’ll just walk there. Gosh, I need to get myself a car.

I stop for a moment in front of Luke's place, admiring the horrible door and remembering how the inside looks like. The paint is peeling from the walls, the floor creaks are so loud that almost echo because of how low the ceiling is and the small furnitures are old and need repairs. Being honest, the fact that Luke is the one living there just makes it worse, the place is always dirty and there's never a sign of anything outside liquor, drugs and empty packaging of fast food.

I take a deep breath before going in, without even knocking, of course, there's no lock. I feel thrilled.

There’s a bunch of tall boys sitting on a really small couch and some on the floor, I suppose there’s almost fifteen people there. I spot Luke behind the kitchen balcony, apparently talking to someone. I walk through the apartment trying to avoid the looks from everyone and ignore the horrible amount of smoke inside the closed place.

The person who Luke’s talking to is Michael, who looks at me with a cocky smile when I approach, I roll my eyes at him but can’t avoid a small smile.

“Hailey!” Luke says with a big smile, noticing my presence.

I stop by his side and he puts an arm around my shoulder “Hey, thought you guys were rehearsing”.

“We were, but then we got tired and decided to come here” He explains.

“And what’s with the other guys in the living room?”

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