*Secret Chapter*

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Under watched with sad eyes as the white cloaked men and women dragged her sister up to a pole and tied the girls limp body to it. "UNDERGIRL!!" Under screamed. Yeah these scientists where horrible at names. They pulled out the girls soul and plugged in needles and other machines.

This limp girls soul was a faded mint colour, her neon hair was dull, un looked after and her and her neon eyes were dull, almost lifeless. "NO! STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING HER!!" Under yelled, the scientists where unfazed by the yelling and continued their procedure.

"Hehe, s-smile for me Under," Undergirl croaked, her voice was hoarse from lack of after and the past couple of hours of screaming. Under was shocked at these words but allowed warm tars to fall from her eyes as she forced a smile for her sister. a few seconds later the dull soul turned to dust and Under's sister fell completely limp.

"NO! UNDERGIRL!! PLEASE NO!! NO! Nonononononononono, NO! You promised you'd always be there for me," she croaked as the scientists rushed around the room trying to revive the now dead girl. "It's hopeless Boss! She's gone!" One said.

Under bolted upright, bullets of sweat dropping from her forehead. She panted heavily and a gloopy cloud of smoke appeared next to her. "You okay?" Nightmare asked. "Y-you-" She stuttered, unable to speak as she began to sob. Nightmare sighed and hesitantly pulled her into a hug. "It was just a nightmare, nothings going to hurt you," he cooed, running his gooey fingers through Under's neon hair as she sobbed into his chest. "Thank you," she sobbed. "It's fine, don't worry about it," he responded, rubbing circles on her back.

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