Chapter 8

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A red glow came from where her eyes were from her hood and she pounced onto the Nome, biting it's neck and slowly eating it. Nightmare retaliated, gagging as he watched her eat it. A few where watching from a table she couldn't reach and they scuttled away at the attack. "Oh Asgore I'm scarred for life now," He mumbled to himself. He watched as she finished eating it and then jumped into a vent and light her lighter and continued like nothing happened. Nightmare was shocked. Yeah he's seen Error and Horror kill other monsters from different Au's before and even saw Horror eat part of Aliza's head before she reset. (Horrortale Frisk)

He watched her crawl through the vent more but felt the dream fading before he was forces back 'home' as (Y/n) woke up. (Y/n) bolted up, bullets of sweat running down her forehead as her hood fell down to reveal her dull (E/c) eyes. She saw that the others had fallen asleep and Roselyn was stirring quietly.

"Where're you going?" She asked, seeing (Y/n) at the doorframe with her hood back up. "Just going for a walk," She replied. "I want to go!" Roselyn exclaimed, bolting to the wooden floorboards and falling flat on her face. "Oww . . ." She whined. (Y/n) walked up to Roselyn and picked her up. Holding the ravenette's hand she took her out of the room and listening to Roselyn blabber on about something.

"Hey, stay away from my sister!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you where here with her,"

"B-Big bro! Don't be mean!"

"S-stop fighting . . . p-please"

Roselyn and (Y/n) turned around the corner and saw four people. A boy and three girls The boy had blonde-ish brown hair with a yellow sweater black pants and a silver locket. He held a young girl behind him. She had short brown hair tipped dark blue with brown bangs covering her left eye. She wore a pink sweater and a light blue skirt with light purple leggings and a dark blue scarf. She wore a matching silver locket to her older brother. He seemed about fourteen and she seemed about nine.

The girl he was keeping away from his little sister looked human with light purple hair tied into somewhat pigtails at the front but cut short at the back. she wore a white school dress decorated in purple around the collar and the hem of the dress. She wore dark purple leggings and a matching beret. She had soft lavender eyes and was defiantly younger than the (Y/n) she seemed about eight.

The last was a little girl, probably about five. She wore a redish-pink striped shirt, with a red hoodie and jeans. Her hair is an orangy red colour falling to her hips and she had bright red eyes. She was standing between the fourteen year old boy and eight year old girl. "G-guys we need to get along before someone finds us!" she whimpered.

"It's a bit late for that," (Y/n) says, leaning against the wall as all their attention was suddenly on her. "Who are you!?" the boy snapped. "Call me Six, this is Roselyn, what's your name?" (Y/n) responded calmly. "I'm Izzy, this is my big bro Joey, he prefers Jello," the girl behind him says before he could give a snappish remark.

"I'm Shiun and this is Ryan," The lavender haired girl says, referring to herself and the little girl between her and Joey. "Nice ta meet ya! But we better skedaddle if ya don't want a giant ink demon to chase you," (Y/n) says with a smirk.

Joey hesitantly allowed (Y/n) leaf him and his sister through the workshop. Again they heard two female voices arguing about something.

"We should keep going, we don't know what's in here,"

"So? We can run If we see anything that might try to hurt us! I say we stay!"

"And what? Starve to death?"

The first was tall. She has a light purple hair, tail and ears. Her hair reaches up to the below of her shoulder by an inch or two. She wears a skirt and blue combat boots. She has light blue eyes snd she hides herself in a mask.

The second had a black hoodie saying 'Ho Lee Chit'' with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows with jeans rolled up to her knees and a weird black robe with a weird crest on it. She had black hair tied into a high ponytail. She had emerald green eyes and a stick shoved into her jean pocket. She had black glasses and wore black tights under her jeans with black combat boots.

"Hai!" Roselyn grins, catching they attention. "I free with whoever said to keep moving," (Y/n) says. "See? She agree's!" The one with the robe says. The other huffed and her ears fell back in anger. "Who are you?" The majed one asks.

"I'm Six, these are Roselyn, Jello, Izzy, Ryan and Shiun, what're your names?" (Y/n) introduced. The masked one's head tilted, "I'm Clawie, but call me Shadow, and this is Daisy," she said. "It's nice to meet you!" Roselyn giggles. Clawie hesitates. "It's . . . nice to meet you to," she says, slightly unsure of a response.

Rosslyn simply giggles and grabs Clawie's hand, dragging er forwards, Ryan jogged after, softy laughing along with her. Izzy ran forwards as well only she grabbed Daisy's hand. Daisy was happier to run down the wooden halls with Izzy than Clawir was with Ryan and Roselyn.

(Y/n) thought of all the people she'd just met.

'14 year old Joey/Jello,

12 year old Daisy,

12 year old Clawie,

9 year old Izzy,

8 year old Shiun


5 year old Ryan,'

'Oh dear, I hope Henry and the others are okay with them being around' she thought. Following the group just infront of Joey as everyone else had jogged slightly ahead.

"Hey Six," Joey said. (Y/n) hummed in response, signalling she has heard him. "I wanted to ask, how are so calm?" The stopped and tilted her head even though she wasn't facing him. "Elaborate," she replied.

"Like, you're in an- . . . are you okay?" He asked as (Y/n) fell onto her knees, clutching her stomach. She screamed in pain as her inner organs demanded for food.

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