Çhåptër 10

807 22 13

(Y/n) stepped causaly around the incipient area she had awoken in. Sundry theories running through her head as the incipient area creeped her out. She never genuinely relished astronomically immense stuffed toys. She grimaced as she consistently visually examined the figures multiple ressembled Bendy or the Boris character she'd nick-named 'Fluff' and a lady in multiple posters called 'Alice Angle'. She picked up an Alice doll, and carried it with her has she perpetuated.

The area was mostly composed of wood or metal and had rows and rows of these diminutive dolls. Intregued she held the doll proximate to her chest and ambulated forwards examening the room further. A sizably voluminous tub of thick ebony ink sat in the middle of the room with two sizably voluminous 'Boris' dolls seeming to sentinel it. "Cute," she giggled, circling around the pond of ink. Her hand trailed across the wooden surface of the tub as she consistently visually examined the ink covered walls. Moving into a room from the back of the toy area she visually perceived a diminutive room seperated by a glass wall. A minuscule hatch sat in the coner of the room. (Y/n) tilted her head as she visually examined a poster on the wall. It seemed this area was Alice's room.

A lady in an ebony dress and pale white skin jumped up with her gloved hands pressed against the glass window. She had pericing grey ocular perceivers and seemed to melt on half her face. She had slick ebony hair and a halo hovering above her head. She gave an almighty screech making (Y/n) jump rearwards in shock and the lights went out. Engulfing the two into pitch ebony tenebrosity.

The lights elumimated the room again and the glass wall had an astronomically immense whole in it. "Welcome young child~ What brings a small one like you to a horrible place like this studio?" A voice asked. It sounded like two female voices overlapping each other. Two gloved hands covered (Y/n)'s ocular perceivers. The minuscule girl quivered as arctic halitus tickled her cheeks. Alice had pulled her hood down and used one hand to stroke her hair in a motherly like way. "Come with me~" she purred. Alice leaded (Y/n) through the whole in the glass. Utilizing a door from there, she took the (h/c) child into an elevator and up to the nineth floor. "Come, you're going to dote this magical wonderland, once i've culminated with myself of course!" She chirpped.

~~Mean While~~

"What do you mean 'she's gone'!? You where here all night!" Nightmare yelled, his inky body melting more expeditious than mundane. "It means she's f@$king GONE," Edge yelled back, clentching his sharp teeth in vexation. "Hey language!" Bendy cut in. "SHUT UP!!" The two skeletons yelled, making Bendy back up a minute. "G-guys? W-where's (Y/n)? S-she didn't come back?" Roselyn asked, poking her head in through the doorway. Her soft ebony hair covering her brown ocular perceivers.

"What do you mean? She didn't come back?" Nightmare asked, calming down as he approached the little girl so the ravenette didn't absquatulate from him. "S-she attacked a friend then ran away, we thought she'd come back here," the five year old expounds. Nightmare nods. "That's hardly helpful, she could be f@$king anywhere," Edge hissed, Bendy slapped his skull. "No swearing, esspecially in front of kids!" The ink demon growled defencably. "Shut up ya waste of ink," Edge murmured, expeditiously regretting his decision as Bendy's face commenced to melt. Edge ended up taking shelter behind Fluff as Quest and Nightmare held Bendy back from assailing him. "But why did she attack your friend?" Stardust verbalizes, more homogeneous to to herself than Roselyn but whatever works I conjecture.

Nightmare shrugged. "Hey, where's Henry?" He asked monotonously. A wave of relisation hit the group. Most of the group and the incipient additaments ambulated around, endeavoring to find the forty year old man. "Gramps!" Bendy yelled. "Mr Henry!!" Izzy called, accompanied by her older brother and Shiun. "Old man!"Joey yelled. "His name is Henry," Shiun advised. "Old man!!" Joey perpetuated. Shiun chuckled modantly. "Gramps!!" Bendy yelled.

~~Mean While~~

Henry groaned, sitting up and expeditiously prehending his axe as he auricularly discerned footsteps. He shot up to stand, ignoring the pain in his gut and holding the axe infont of his body. "I know you're there, Come out from hiding," he verbally expresses. A can of bacon soup rolled from around the hallways corner and after a taller figure stepped out.

The figure had slick ebony fur and ebony pie-cut ocular perceivers. He had a goopy ebony wolf tail and white gloves over his hands. He wore brown overalls and had ebony circles on his cheeks referencing a blush. He had a long muzzle and sizably voluminous curved auditory perceivers. He wore sizably voluminous ebony shoes and held a pipe in his hands.

"O-oh, It's you Boris," Henry sighs, feeling a vigorous gust of mitigation wash over him. Boris didn't verbalize anything and tensed as Henry commenced mumbling to himself and falling unconsious, most likley a tardy reaction to the fall. Boris made and un-audible sigh and picked up Henry's limp body and ambulating down the halls to the safe house.

Boris's long wolf like auditory perceivers pearked up as he aurally perceived Henry stirring. He ambulated into the reposing part of the safe house and optically canvassed quietly as Henry placed his hand to his head groaning. "Why me?" He whinned afore visually perceiving Boris out of the corner of his ocular perceiver.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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