Chapter 2

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(Y/n) shook her head, waking herself up. She heard the dripping of ink from the roof tops and the heavy snores of the still knocked out Henry. "Well, well, dear~ One of my pretty little sheep has awakened," A voice says. It was hard to pinpoint where the voice came frim due the the echoy sound it emmited. "Do not be afraid my sweet sheep~ You will understand everything really soon," It continued. (Y/n) turned her head and saw, who she assumed, was the owner of the voice.

He was covered in ink, wearing brown overalls and a scratched up 'Bendy' cutout head for a mask. Black ink dripped of his tall body onto the floor and down his pants. (Y/n) recognised him as the guy who had walked past him before. "As I said I-" (Y/n) took notice that this guys mouth didn't move as he spoke.

"Augh what? Where am I?" Henry asked, startling awake from the odd voice this guy emmited. "At last, the second sheep has awakened, now I must go, your souls would make great sacrifices to my lord!" He says, louder than he had spoken before, and puffing his . . . chest . . out. They guys then walked away before Henry had the time to give a proper response. "Sacrifices? Sammy!?" Was all he sputtered out. "Who's Sammy?" (Y/n) asked. "S-Six!? Is that you? I can't see you!" Henry muttered, speaking in a slight panic.

"Now my little sheeps~ It is time you sleep, so my lord will feed off your souls and become unstopable!" His voice echoes, comming through the P.a speakers around the room, a large door opening upwards opened but nothing seemed to reside behind it. "So rest now, my lord, I offer you these souls to- No! Y-your supposed to take their souls! Augh!" A sound similar to the splatter of blood followed these word and a growl echoed through the P.a system. A beep signified the system had beed turned off.

(Y/n) pulled out a small knife from her raincoat pocket and pulled it up, the blade slicing clean through the rope. A black goo type substance oozed out of the cut ends. 'Well, that explains some things,'(Y/n) thought, hearing the thud of Henry's body falling face first into the wooden floor. "Ow," he groaned. The small girl hummed in response poketing the knife and staring again the axe. "Idiot left your weapon in the same room," She said lowly as Henry stood up rubbing his nose. "Why does this have to happen to me?" He muttered, cursing every god he knew under his breath.

Henry gripped the axe and the two walked down the continually boarded up hallways. That is until they reached a dead end. "What do we do now?" (Y/n) asked. Before Henry could respond a tall Inked Creature. The black ink melted off it's body falling into droplets into the floor and it's white bowtie was stained and drooping down. The creature's sharp teeth is all that could be seen since the ink had covered most of its face.

(Y/n) and Henry gasp, and the two start running to which the creature begind to chase them. It's claw like feet pounded roughly on the floor boeards and they heard it's claws scratching the wooden walls. They heard inhuman growls come from it's mouth along with the sloshing of ink dripping off it's body. All these sounds teamed up with the sound of their feet (Henry's wearing shoes, you aren't) drumming against the floorboards and the pounding of their hearts in their rip cages.

The sound of her heart beating rang in her ears and (Y/n) attempted to keep her breathing steady as she ran. She guessed having to try avoid the Janitor and the Cheif Twins strengthened her legs to keep up with a full grown man in his sixtys. She gasped for air and managed to slip into a small crack into a wall. The creature didn't seem to notice and continued to chase Henry.

She listened carefully as their footsteps fadded away before taking a few deep breaths and crawling further into the whole. "Heya, I guess I though I was the only one that could fit in here, guess I was wrong," a soft, yet high, voice says. (Y/n) lights her lighter and see's a small, demon like creture sitting infron of her. He could only be two inches taller with a white face and black body. His bowtie was an elegant white and his eyes looked like black pie's with a piece cut out. His hands wore thick white gloves that seemed way too big for him, with a toothey smile streaching accross his face.

"You name's Bendy, right?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, and from what Gramps said yours is Six?" Bendy replied, a thin tail with an arrow like point wrapped around his legs. "What was that, thing, that chased me and Henry?" She asked softly. "I don't know, Sammy has something to do with it though, I just know it!" He murmured, clutching one of his hands into a fist. "Inspiring," (Y/n) muttered sarcastically. Bendy chuckled weakley.

There was a confortable silence between the two before (Y/n) spoke up again. "Gramps?" Bendy smiled, somewhat wider. "What else am I supposed to call him? He is one of my creators," He responded. "Creators . . . do you mind me asking what you are exacly?" The small girl asked. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself formally! I'm Bendy the dancing demon, what's your name ma'am?" He said cheerily, out streaching a gloved hand.

(Y/n) stayed silent, trying to process the situation. "My name is (Y/n) Rosita Maur, but please, call me Six," she responded finally, taking Bendy's hand. He pulled her towards him and pulled her arm up causing her to spin in a pirroette kinda way. "It's nice to meet you madam~" he cooed, "Now how do you propose we get throught the rest of the workshop without getting spotted by the ink beast?" Bendy asked.

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